Must be worse trying to justifiably account for something you cannot.
Oh, so if it's got "official" stamped on it then it really is right? Look at those fannies at the UEA caught tampering with climate data to further the governments carbon tax myth. If they're doing that ON BEHALF of a government to secure funding then what outcome other than "Osama and a bunch of fanatics pulled this off"
I've been outside all night with a golf club trying to hit a coke can through a steel girder....it'll never happen will it, let alone pass through it and come out the same shape.
Maybe they'll start making aluminium drill bits for drilling steel next, who knows?
Has anyone replicated this remarkable feat of anti-science? I sincerely doubt it? I mean why invest in anti-tank/DU technology(well apart from poisoning your enemy but that's another issue) when you can just use aluminium at 4-500mph, well below the mach 2-3 it takes a missile to bust a tank?
They wouldn't need the lame excuses for the cost etc, just a fraction of the side of the WTC replicated and fully braced against a rock face or something, an old plane of similar size on an auto pilot setting and we''d get the truth alright. But we couln't have that could we?
You seem to be suffering a similar sort of affliction. did you read the tale about the fairies and goblins at the bottom of gardens - all true you know.It must be awful having so much sand in your ears and a sore back. It must be truly awful to be so naive you believe every piece of sh*te our governments fabricate to con the public into backing so many terrible deeds done in our name....
Wobs /softus just a quick summary.
From your link:
Which is nonesense, as it was mostly attacked with only two waves of two aircraft each to attack the Liberty, and these were armed with rockets and napalm, which are totally unsuitable for sinking a ship. Further, the Israeli torpedo boats, rather than boring straight in and attacking immediately, attempted to communicate with the Liberty and to establish her identity before they attacked. This is borne out by survivors' testimony.Admiral Thomas Moorer, insisted the Israeli attack was deliberate and designed to sink 'Liberty.'
Your link also refers to the CIA investiagtions. Here is the report from one of them:
"we conclude that our previous statement that "the Israelis did not identify the Liberty as a US ship until some 44 minutes after the attack" is in error. The Liberty had been identified prior to the attacks, but the Israelis were apparently not aware they were attacking the Liberty. The attack was not made in malice toward the US and was a mistake, but the failure of the IDF Headquarters and the attacking aircraft to identify the Liberty and the subsequent attack by the torpedo boats were both incongruous and indicative of gross negligence
Which actually contradicts what your link claims it says. Funny that.
Of course there have been repeated investigations into the incident, which are listed here:
Feel free to look up some facts for a change.
Oh, and your link is written by a twoofer, so hardly a reliable source is he.
So, as ever, where a CT is claimed, its nearly always human error. Communication breakdowns in war can cost lives, and as we have seen, often do.
Yep and the world used to be flat and if you dared to suggest otherwise you where executed.
Yep Everything you are told must be true