A Red Dawn

11 Nov 2020
Reaction score
Middle Earth
United Kingdom
Fell deeds awake, satire and slaughter!
Pen shall be shaken, pencil be splintered!
A Labour-day, a red day, ere the sun rises!
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Watching the valedictory speech by a heckled Nigel Farage was one of the more amusing moments of the election but it was worth paying attention to the time the crowd quietend and he was able to say Reform would've gained 100 seats with a system of Proportional Representation. (The Greens would've been better represented too, i imagine.) If they campaigned on electoral reform, rather than wang on about illegal immigration, they really could bring about a much needed change in British politics.
Lord help us. If you think that the Reds will be any better then you're very naive.
ALL politicians these days are all wanna-be celebrities. In it for their own fame. Sadly, it's the nature of modern society with social media and influencers etc, etc.
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Well, there's always the system used in Norn Iron: the Single Transferable Vote. Then there's the Additional Member System used in Scotland. Or a new system using aspects of both. What we really need is a pitch-weasel to advocate for the change and make it a part of the Parliamentary conversation and, although i hate to say it, Farage is just the kind of weasel to make the pitch. Perhaps @fillyboy can have a word next time he pops in t'pub for a pint. He's always posting pictures of their pi$$-ups.
Be scared ! very scared ! the red bogeymen and those with tit's and dick's will be crawling out of the woodwork any time soon
There are a number of PR systems. List here
The most popular one can count in different ways

Around 40 use a French style system.. That could be extended to more than 2 rounds. It does give voters a second chance on parties that have significant support - after a fashion.

Germany pretty famous for coalitions uses Mixed Member Proportional

;) LOL I heard about the system in Iran. Depends on what position is being voted for. One is quick in and out. The other long winded more time in the booth. That factor is said to influence turn out. A reformer just won there by the way. Voting similar to France's system.

One I mentioned before. No idea what it's called uses the 2nd vote. Say there is right, centric and left. Second vote from left and right is likely to be centric. They can easily have the most.
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Watching the valedictory speech by a heckled Nigel Farage was one of the more amusing moments of the election but it was worth paying attention to the time the crowd quietend and he was able to say Reform would've gained 100 seats with a system of Proportional Representation. (The Greens would've been better represented too, i imagine.) If they campaigned on electoral reform, rather than wang on about illegal immigration, they really could bring about a much needed change in British politics.

I'm maybe missing the point, but I've never quite understood why the entire country has to have their parliamentary elections on one single date - why couldn't each constituency, have it's own separate election dates, producing a much more gradual change of government?
I'm maybe missing the point, but I've never quite understood why the entire country has to have their parliamentary elections on one single date - why couldn't each constituency, have it's own separate election dates, producing a much more gradual change of government?
a bye election every 3 days would see a complete change just over every 5 years - interesting thought
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