Indeed - although I'm not sure that really negates my "nearly always"!...but that's the point; it doesn't, does it? ... You have said yourself "nearly always" ... therefore... SWA, Control cables, Fire alarm cables, Bell wire etc.
However, I'm not sure that any of this alters what I've been saying - that I'm not at all sure that there is any (UK) regulation forbidding bare CPCs in SWA, Control cables, Fire Alarm cables etc. (if, that is, one could find any such cables with bare CPCs!!) ('Bell wire' doesn't usually have a CPC at all!), when they are used 'as part of an installation' (aka 'fixed wiring'), whereas I suspect that some regulations (not BS7671) do preclude the use of a flexible cable with a bare CPC for purposes (appliance/equipment cables, extension leads etc.) which are not part of an electrical installation.
Kind Regards, John