Air France Bomb?

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
The question was raised in the press today: was it a bomb?

Another Air France flight was threatened with a bomb and experts have said that the lack of a mayday & the fact that wrekage is spread over a vast area of ocean points to a bomb.
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Don't be silly. There is a huge fuel slick that wouldn't be there if it had broken up in mid air.
I bet it was them flippin' aliens from the Bermuda Triangle.
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Don't be silly. There is a huge fuel slick that wouldn't be there if it had broken up in mid air.
A bomb wouldn't nessacerally have to blow a plane to peices to cause a crash.
I think everyone should refrain from conjecture or, speculation until the flight data and voice recorders have been located, retrieved and examined.

The news on GMTV said that the wrekage found is NOT that of the missing French plane! :eek:

So wth is it from then?
The plane disappeared off the radar suddenly, with no radio transmission so far as we know, apart from a brief automatic message sent by a machine that identified a short circuit. That suggests a sudden catastrophic failure.

Bombs smuggled on board are generally quite small and cause a bit of damage, perhaps even loss of pressure, but not as bad as seems to have happened here. Bombs in the hold may make quite a big hole. Even a major explosion in a fuel tank is not as bad.

So for the moment I think a bomb, hijack or mechanical failure are not likely to be the cause. However, if you do want to destroy a plane, hitting it over a deep ocean is the way to do it, as you have less chance of anyone seeing it happen, and the evidence is more likely to go deep and not be found.

I heard a pilot saying that it could have been a collision with another plane, possibly a drug smuggling plane, which might not have filed a flight plan and would not report its loss.
Why the hell would you blow up a plane and then (the terrorist group or whoever) not anounce it the world?
cases have been suspected where an aircraft is destroyed in order to assassinate someone on board.

I would have thought it unlikely, but so is murdering a Russian in London with radioactive materials, or stabbing someone in the leg with a poisoned umbrella as they walk across London Bridge.
Maybe the plane had taken off from a conveyor belt and thus exploded because such a feat is impossible . . . :LOL:
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