The way I've always seen it is that the situation in Palestine is heavily debated amongst socialists & I have to say I agree with their views.
Certain members of the Jewish race seem keen to tie any criticism of Israel's involvement in Palestine with anti-semitism, thereby shutting down any debate. I wonder why that is?
Dork is not happy at all with the situation in Palestine, a country my father loved. Dork has very little love for zionists & even less for the state of Israel. I think it is important to point out that a zionist is not a race of people & neither is an Isreali.
Comrade Corbyn has well documented history as being in the forefront of the fight against racism since becoming a politician. The chief rabbi of Golders Green? . . . Maybe not so much history.
My father taught me lots of things about the middle east & a few things stick in my mind :
According to the Talmud the state of Israel cannot exist until Christ returns to earth, are we to believe he's been hanging around in the shadows since 1948?
The Jew & the Arab stood before God & asked "when will there be peace between our peoples?" & God replied "not in my ****ing lifetime".
Not all Jews are zionists. Something that your MSM seems quite adept at not mentioning.
And finally, the BIG one. The Jews have never enjoyed the state of Israel that was promised to them in their Talmud until the false state of Israel was magicked in 1948. Throughout documented history they were dispersed all over the globe to settle amongst other races, & throughout all of documented history those races have hated & persecuted them. Now Dork has his haters, of that I have no doubt, but if everyone hated Dork? Maybe it's Dork who has the problem & not his haters?