Are the RWRs obsessed by Nazis?

I consider it to be a question.
I can, however, understand how the suggestion of an association can be taken as offensive.
However, I also think the right of freedom of speech is paramount to a persons right not to be offended.
But, if I have caused you offence, then I apologise.
Weren't most young Germans 'encouraged' to join the Hitler Youth?

:rolleyes: dunno ? maybe ?

My uncles were Austrian , (so was Hitler :eek:) my grandfather was banged up after the war ?? not sure why ? but he was in the police during the war

afaik he was detained for 3 years ? never met him as he died before I was born
I don't agree with calling the Labour party Nazi as people like John McDonnell and Diane Abbot aren't bright enough to be Nazi's.
I don't agree with calling the Labour party Nazi as people like John McDonnell and Diane Abbot aren't bright enough to be Nazi's.
You a fan of the Nazis, are you? You thought that their ideology was bright? :rolleyes:
Effing idiot! A fan of ethnic cleansing perhaps?
Perhaps you are more fascist than right wing?
aren't bright enough to be Nazi's.

A German joke from the 1940's said that Hitler sold his soul to the devil and bargained that all Germans should be intelligent, honest Nazis.

Unfortunately for him, though, intelligent, honest people are not Nazis.

Intelligent, dishonest people can be Nazis

Unintelligent, honest people can be Nazis.

Unintelligent, dishonest people can be Nazis.

I wonder which group Vinty is in.