Am I going to be sued ?

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Good luck, hope everything pans out for you, you must be somewhere near me in Manchester?
Thanks all for your replies....feel a little more at ease now.
Will draft a letter refuting
Keep the letter short, polite and simple otherwise leaving you open to make mistakes if you waffle on.
P>S Anyone actually been as far as the courts.
Presume my worst case scenario would be.... £1700 quid for the 3rd party to re-do it, plus £600 for paper plus court costs £500 ??
I'm confident it won't come to that based on what you have told us. Pop down to your local CAB and they will print out to help you what to put in the letter, also mentioned you've got legal advice etc
it would help if we knew what she wanted you to go back and make good mate

It could be anything as far as we know, possibly even something silly like a corner of the wall paper has come away from the wall.
Without the facts no one can really advise you as to what you can/ should do about the situation, BUT its NOT good policy to simply just ignore her
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If you got paid when you finished the job then this is her making a point that she is happy with the job.

TBH you have gone above and beyond, repainting where her cat has been walking ect. Ignore her, a bad news customer will only bring you more bad news, and you cont get any reccomendations off of her now no matter what you do.

If you gave her £10k she would still not reccomend you. No small claims court judge is going to accept that remedials on decorating cost twice your quote and they are going to see that she has paid you after the job was complete therefore accepting the standard of work.

She has told you she is happy with the work and you have snagged problems that were not even your responsibility.
mkb, hopefully this will be all sorted out soon. But for the future what we do on ALL of our jobs is take pictures of everything, when the customer asks us why, we just tell them that it's for the 'office'. So if in the future we get called back being told that we damaged the wall paper, carpet, etc etc. We just look back to our pictures.
All pictures are down loaded onto computer and stored for 2 years.
You could also say that you are making a portfolio of your work.

Again thanks for all replies.

Quick advice is NOT to ignore her letter as she has already said in her letter I've not gone back ( total lie )

I signed her registered letter so legal people says looks bad on me to ignore it if it came before a judge.

Drafted letter, sent it this morning, registered and made a few points in it, all very nicey nicey at this point and asked her to contact me to arrange mutually agreeable time to re-visit.

Hertsdrainage 2010....taking pictures isn't a bad idea in future...cheers.
Malcolm X, am Manchester side of Bury
Might be an idea or in the future having a satisfaction sheet for them to sign after completion of the job. I don't know if this would be your 'get out of jail' card?

I'll start another topic to see what other trademans do.
markfxy. Wonder if I could bill her for the ceiling I didn't charge her for and window sill. Interesting thought. Or have I now lost the chance to bill her ?
markfxy. Wonder if I could bill her for the ceiling I didn't charge her for and window sill. Interesting thought. Or have I now lost the chance to bill her ?
Best to wait now for the reply, you may not hear anything, the job you haven't charge her can be in the next letter
She's phoned !!!!! though she says she's not got my letter have arranged on the phone to go up tomorrow,,,Friday..Think she's just not bothered or no time to pick letter up from post office. Have tracked it on PO still in process of delivery which by now means she's not signed for it. Don't know whether to be awkward and tell her I'd prefer her to read my reply...which don't forget SHE requested in writing.
Might be a good idea to take someone with you as a witness. Perhaps a young (apprentice). You never know if it might turn nasty when your letter is delivered.
You have 2 choices, you can phone her and tell her that you sent her a letter and would like her to read it before you go round, and make an appointment for next week. Or go round tomorrow with a witness (don't bring BIG DAVE from the pub with you) it's best to take a female with you, hand her a copy of your letter and ask her to read it before you enter the house. Depending on what she thinks about the letter will determine weather she invites you in. If you do go in, take pictures of all of the complaints and all the work you have done, even the extra work that you did not charge for. Take loads of pictures from all different angles. If possible try and record any conversations with her via your mobile phone.

Good Luck

You have 2 choices, you can phone her and tell her that you sent her a letter and would like her to read it before you go round, and make an appointment for next week. Or go round tomorrow with a witness (don't bring BIG DAVE from the pub with you) it's best to take a female with you, hand her a copy of your letter and ask her to read it before you enter the house. Depending on what she thinks about the letter will determine weather she invites you in. If you do go in, take pictures of all of the complaints and all the work you have done, even the extra work that you did not charge for. Take loads of pictures from all different angles. If possible try and record any conversations with her via your mobile phone.

Good Luck


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