An opportunity for gold?

25 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
I have heard, from a trailer for "Booze Britain", that the British drink more in a session than the inhabitants of any other EU country.

Now, we have the Olympics coming up. Every time they adopt new sports, and there is generally a nod in the direction of the host country when deciding these sports...

Can you see where I'm going with this? ;)
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AdamW said:
I have heard, from a trailer for "Booze Britain", that the British drink more in a session than the inhabitants of any other EU country.

Now, we have the Olympics coming up. Every time they adopt new sports, and there is generally a nod in the direction of the host country when deciding these sports...

Can you see where I'm going with this? ;)
Umm! yes, well I'd be thick if I did'nt!!! what was it again??


bronze blend coffee?? :LOL:


please note 10a
Olympic Binge Drinking... think about it, we'd win every time!

You could even make it a triathlon:

Event 1) Carrying 5 full pints, 100 feet, through a crowd without spilling them.

Event 2) drink all 5 pints, as quickly as possible

Event 3) wrestling

Points deducted for spillage.
This is a revelation for me, now I know what I have been in training for since I was 18.
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Shouldn't it include some urinal-based events ??

Unwrap the cigarette butt

Hit the very centre of the plug hole

Move the pineapple cubes into formation.

That sort of thing. Points off for splashing........
Add in wetting yourself and projectile vomiting, and we'd have enough for a heptathlon..