kendor said:"of the three lights, two are switched off"
So off is 'movement'? Step off the bus? The meat has gone off (movement in the largest meaning of the word).
Versus: Mr Huppeldepup of London
kendor said:"of the three lights, two are switched off"
with friends like that who needs enemies couldn't they cut you down and run off with you instead?JohnD said:And I'm going to tell you about leg-pulling anyway. Only your friends do it.
If you were to be hanged in the town square for stealing a loaf of bread, (before the introduction of the Long Drop) then you might be dangling on the rope for half an hour or more while you slowly suffocated or were strangled by the rope, as your neck might not have been broken and the spinal cord severed.
Your friends would be allowed to approach the scaffold, and grab you by the legs, pulling down so that your neck was broken and you died quickly and with less suffering.