Another mass shooting in America.

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Probably because the current Tory government is trying to implement the same capitalist economy here.

Low taxes for the rich and no protection for the poor.

There is no place for extremes - libertarians and communism but the current US administration is deeply right wing and libertarian. Going after food stamps that wil save what $9bn over 4 years but spend $2 trillion on tax cuts over 10 years going to the wealthy.

RWR love pushing forward the benefits of a free market, but there is no market that is free, a free market by definition is unregulated and anarchy, all markets have to have a structure and more often than not that structure is created by government and influenced by money.
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The 13th mass shooting this week in America.
19 dead so far ,WTF is going on.

Yeah but only 251 mass shootings in 2019

And a mere 30,000 gun incidents with 8000 deaths and 17000 injuries.

If only they had more guns it would all stop.

They should arm teachers, shop assistants, lollypop ladies, waiters, anybody in the street, toddlers. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

That way the NRA gun lobby would have more money to lobby government.
Oh look, another nutter choosing to use a gun instead of a car to kill people.


Not Hilarious is it? Cars and guns in the hands of idiots are dangerous. We do need to deal with idiot car drivers as apposed to nutters with guns more so in this country.... Do you not think????
Shootings a massive problem in the states idiots use it as if its a result of Brexit...
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Cars are not dangerous, the nut behind the wheel is though.
Especially if the nut aims it at people. However, they are very lucky in the USA to have unlimited access to guns, so that nutters intent on killing can do so with ease, with distance and with the freedom that is unique to a powerful firearm.
Not Hilarious is it?
The comparison is ridiculous. Laughable. Yes we should be concerned about unnecessary deaths in the UK. We should also look towards the USA as a way of preventing the UK of ever being anything like those nutters over there.
Cars are not dangerous, the nut behind the wheel is though.
Cars Guns are not dangerous, the nut behind the wheeltrigger is though

Really? Then why don't the mass shooters take up a Ford instead of a Remington?
you can't shoot someone with a car. But the average person is more likely to kill someone else whilst behind the wheel.


But in any case, why are we so concerned about stuff happening 3000+ miles away in a different continent? It's their culture, we need to keep our noses out. And as a multi cultural society should be be stopping yanks carrying guns over here ?
The comparison is ridiculous. Laughable. Yes we should be concerned about unnecessary deaths in the UK. We should also look towards the USA as a way of preventing the UK of ever being anything like those nutters over there.

Its an unbalanced comparison. Don't you think bringing Brexit into it it is laughable.
Me but I can spell Moron.

Moron wasnt the word being referred to

And I think you spelt 'a' correctly

To put you out of your misery, what you said was really:

You are are moron which may be shortened to you're a moron
But in any case, why are we so concerned about stuff happening 3000+ miles away in a different continent? It's their culture, we need to keep our noses out. And as a multi cultural society should be be stopping yanks carrying guns over here ?

It is our concern... We need the US to be a stable country as we have too many unstable country's at the moment.

I'm personaly concerned as I have family in NY and Florida...
you can't shoot someone with a car. But the average person is more likely to kill someone else whilst behind the wheel.

Conflating cars and guns is an old trope.

Lets be honest it brings nothing to the debate.

And your argument that we cant talk about guns in America because people in cars accidents is silly, as I am sure you realise.

Heres a piece with all the same old gun arguments debunked

Oh and in America I think guns have overtaken cars........
Its a pointless comparison. Just because there are more car related deaths than those caused by guns, does not make guns OK. The general public can live without guns.

Is that what your post was intended to do?:confused:

Car deaths + gun deaths. = Dead people. Not nice

Gun deaths + brexit = I'm still scratching.

Can you finish this one for me please
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