Silly Mutroast thinks only the BBC are reporting the latest USA mass shootings.but the beeb think one is considerably more important
Silly Mutroast thinks only the BBC are reporting the latest USA mass shootings.but the beeb think one is considerably more important
My gripe here is not guns / cars but why the media seem to think unnecessary and avoidable deaths 3000 miles away on another continent is more important and news worthy than what happens here
your leave vote has kicked em outGood Polski plumbers.... I really like the Poles. I for one will be sad if they all decide to go home...
You are the victim in your inability to prioritise what is important - stop yourself being led by the news mogulsYou are a classic victim.
Read this...
where did I say suggest that - I used the beeb as an example, it is probably the most followed news outlet, and the one I tune into.Silly Mutroast thinks only the BBC are reporting the latest USA mass shootings.
your leave vote has kicked em out
its your fault
ALL news outlets are reporting the latest USA mass killings as headline news. Take your head out of your ass.where did I say suggest that
Get a grown up to read it to you and stop deflecting or using whataboutery. Totally pointless.inability.
Are you sure your a Tory.????
This Brexit stuff has really played with your head....
look at PIP and universal credit: 250,000 disabled people have had their benefits cut -what do you think of that?
universal credit: somebody falls on hard times: 'sorry mate, we will get you some money in 4 weeks, go and sleep rough until then'
where did I say they were notALL news outlets are reporting the latest USA mass killings as headline news. Take your head out of your ass.
Says the person making childish skitsGet a grown up to read it to you and stop deflecting or using whataboutery. Totally pointless.
Several people are murdered by white terrorists and makes news headlines around the globe and all Muttroast can do is talk about is traffic accidents.
where did I say they were not
If he did not, he would be accused of having nothing better to do - than be here with you.What he does then is he goes missing...