Another soldier stabbed.

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Why are you suddenly on a racism trolling binge? Are you ok?
I'd lay money that the gang members weren’t French. Or white.
Would anyone be surprised if the attacker wasn't a Muslim? I would.
That's different to nearly everyone else on here.

You appear to only be posting things you think are caused by a different race or religion to you.

But you're not putting any real effort in. That's what makes it trolling. You aren't investing enough time or subtlety.
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You appear to only be posting things you think are caused by a different race or religion to you.
I’m not Jewish and you don’t see me posting any condemnations about them, do you? Are you questioning those posters in any of the Jew hating threads?
I'm not sure if it's being reported anywhere as yet re the persons nationality etc. I always think it's prudent to wait for more info e.g. look at the guy who attempted to kill Trump. No doubt before his nationality was known folk would have been saying 'it'll be one of those illegals!'

What's ironic in a way is, if the person does fall into the 'foreign/migrant' bracket, jeez will we hear a lot from Reform etc. However if it transpires the person is a white born and bred Brit, then we might not hear quite as much from them ;)
You mean the IDF genocidal murdering threads? There is a big difference.
Certainly is. There’s outright hatred against them from some quarters whereas all I’m doing is asking questions in mine.
Certainly is. There’s outright hatred against them from some quarters whereas all I’m doing is asking questions in mine.
what you see on those threads is a narrative showing the intent of the current Israeli government towards the people of Palestine with a historical context provided to illustrate the point of the topic to be discussed. If there're too many words for some to follow perhaps they could find a grown up to help them out.
Thing is, this has happened before and, it inevitably is linked to a radical muslim in most cases of this sort...i will be surprised if its not to be honest....

Country has gone down the toilet massively...
what you see on those threads is a narrative showing the intent of the current Israeli government towards the people of Palestine with a historical context provided to illustrate the point of the topic to be discussed.
Of course it is……
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