Anti vaxers will be feeling smug

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no i meant exactly what i implied you on the other hand made things up in your napper .
Pretty normal for you
No, I aasked you to explain EXACTLY what you measnt, because it means something different to me (and others) than it appears to do to you?

I wonder who is most likely to be more accurate?
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No, I aasked you to explain EXACTLY what you measnt, because it means something different to me (and others) than it appears to do to you?

I wonder who is most likely to be more accurate?
The person who actually typed it unless you are a mind reader . Do stop making things up and lying
are you a practising idiot or does it just come natural ? i knew the vaccination status oif the group of guys i went with do try and keep up
so a sample size too small to be statistically relevant

and when did they have their last vaccination?
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The person who actually typed it unless you are a mind reader . Do stop making things up and lying
No lies here, at all. No direct lie from you, but certainly the implication was untrue.

Try this.

so a sample size too small to be statistically relevant

and when did they have their last vaccination?
probably same time as denso . What are you saying the vaccine doesnt work and keeps needing repeated doses for rest of your lives ?
That's comforting 'much more likely' lol
more comforting to be vaccinated and myocarditis to be "far less likely"

if you find it more comforting to unvaccinated and myocarditis to be "far more likely" then enjoy.
Notchy like a good little lap dog hangs on to their every word because they're 'official', he can't think for himself.
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