Anti vaxers will be feeling smug

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I Would put a list up of those that have had the vaccine thinking it would save them and died of covid but the list would be far far too long
do it anyway - it can't be any more repetitive than the eight pages of pigeon-English y'all squawked this afternoon.
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I Would put a list up of those that have had the vaccine thinking it would save them and died of covid but the list would be far far too long
evidence says far far fewer people died from covid if they were vaccinated......the drop in hospitalisation rates after vaccination roll out shows it

if you want to believe your own carry on enjoying ignorance.
evidence says far far fewer people died from covid if they were vaccinated......the drop in hospitalisation rates after vaccination roll out shows it

if you want to believe your own carry on enjoying ignorance.
think you need to work out how to word your reply in actual numbers millions more died vaccinated than unvaccinated
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gas wont be able to read that

have you got something with just pictures
you constantly prove that you struggle to read what has actually been written and make things up in those few brain cells you have
Covid wasn’t/isn’t a virus. It’s a poison.

You only have to look at the serious effects of it. You can’t catch a poison though.

How would one get it then……
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