Any contact lense wearers?

If your sight is fairly poor you will be absolutlely stunned the first time you wear them in the shower and can see things :eek:

I'd never even thought about that, until trying to read the labels to work out which bottle was shampoo, conditioner, shower gel and bubble bath last night :LOL:
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Thats what I thought when my friend first told me.

What is amazing when I went for my first appointment, I put a pair of the lenses in, not the correct prescription but a standard pair for 10 mins just to see what they were like and even after only 10 mins, my right was good enough not to need any correction and my left eye just needed a very weak contact lense just for me to drive, so you can imagine what a difference it makes leaving them overnight makes.

Just an update.

I've been to the opticians a few times now, and I am currently on a weeks trial before returning for possibly my final appointment before being allowed to wear lenses properly.

I am still having issues putting them in, but I understand this gets better with practice. They also feel a bit strange, but this is getting better as I get used to them.

I'm not sure, but it seems to me they are not quite as clear as my glasses. Is this normal, or is it something to chat to my optician about?
It's possibly because contact lenses do not correct astigmatism as well as glasses (astigmatism causing straight lines to appear bowed) It's only fairly recently that contacts corrected astigmatism at all.

They do take a bit of getting used to, especially putting the lenses in and more difficult taking them out without performing minor eye surgery.
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Hi RF,
I've worn contacts on and off for a several years, mainly Boots own. About a month ago I did the Specsavers free trial as the Boots ones are quite expensive and not great. I found the Specsavers daily disposables very good in comparison and good value (they do 3 types, I was using the most comfortable ones with silicon to prevent drying out).

When I went back for the check up, he re-tested my vision and slightly altered the prescription, you might find the same. CLs won't be as good as Specs, but should be very close. He are my tips.

1. Remember to blink! :eek: sounds stupid but helps lubricate the lens
2. Learn to put them in the right way around, they have a habit of turning inside out.
3. If you do wear them in the shower/pool, they will wash out in direct water
4. Don't try and take them out twice! usually happens when you've had a few and can't remember taking them out, you'll only do it the once mind as tugging on your eyeball isn't pleasant :!:

Did you know that in Spain it is illegal to drive a car without having a spare pair of specs? Assume it is the same for Contact Lenses.. Good luck