Anyone got any evidence for a god?

Well we have to give it a name, so let's just call it God and have done with it. We'll never know its true nature so why worry about it?
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Well we have to give it a name, so let's just call it God and have done with it. We'll never know its true nature so why worry about it?

How weird! That just means you get labelled with all the babble bashing weirdos...

Let's call it The Universe.... and Science!

But do you agree that the Universe is millions of years old, not thousands?
Thank you. Please don't tell them that Mike used the 'B' word. :oops:

No problem here, I can use that word safely as no insult is meant to any race. When used to insult black people the B word is highly offensive to them, and I don't have any colour prejudice. :cool:

Actually, I believe the word 'black' is in vogue again now and so is perfectly acceptable. 'People of colour', 'coloured' and, of course, the 'N' word are certainly out of fashion.
Thank you. Please don't tell them that Mike used the 'B' word. :oops:

No problem here, I can use that word safely as no insult is meant to any race. When used to insult black people the B word is highly offensive to them, and I don't have any colour prejudice. :cool:

Actually, I believe the word 'black' is in vogue again now and so is perfectly acceptable. 'People of colour', 'coloured' and, of course, the 'N' word are certainly out of fashion.

I think you'll find, if you're B you can call each other Ns, and if you're a Q, then you can decide if you're also G, if you're a W then you decide if you're a S... if you're an M then you may be an I...and if you're O, then YFB !!!
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Oh and its not for us to prove that God exists, we can tell he does from the signs all around us

Ooh, that's sexist. I'm going to report you to the BBD (British Brigade of Do-gooders).

Please do, and also don't forget I used the racist term Black Hole, so don't forget to report me to the race relations board, if there is one still being funded under the prosperty measures! :)

Black hole is not a racist term............coon tunnel is.
I think you'll find, if you're B you can call each other Ns, and if you're a Q, then you can decide if you're also G, if you're a W then you decide if you're a S... if you're an M then you may be an I...and if you're O, then YFB !!!

I was with you right up to 'W'! Perhaps I've just led a sheltered life.

Any clues?
so you guys have run out of material for Black holes, in this God thread? so why not change to a race thread :rolleyes:
so you guys have run out of material for Black holes, in this God thread? so why not change to a race thread :rolleyes:

Because discussion about race on this forum is not permitted, even though it may be done in a sensible and inoffensive way. I suspect the mods are afraid of being accused of running a racist forum.

Such are things in modern Britain. We just have to keep quiet.
TBH, there should be no room for race and colour prejudice on any forums, in fact not just on forums only, but in every walk of life, all living being have ambitions, dreams, and desires, and love for life, and all strive for perfection, hungry for respect, it is a let live and love all, it is in every race's blood to be good and successful and happy., rich. Own a nice big car, a house, plenty of money, and the list is limitless.

Problems starts when one race feels superior and insults another, that is the prime cause of the hatred in the world today, and we blame it on different religions, it becomes easy to blame on religion as each race has their own beliefs and religion, but the main cause is race hate or cultural differences.

Everyone should respect one another's culture, it is when all these hatred and wars start. we should not cross the threshold of tolerance in our society, and sensitivities of different people to different things.

But here is what i promised those who use the M word in a negative way, I promised they shall one day, themselves embrace Islam, without being compelled to.

here is one example, that is why I said please start choosing a name now as so many people would convert to Islam that there is a danger of running out of suitable names. I have already Reserved my future Islamic name, it will be Mohammad from East London.

TBH, there should be no room for race and colour prejudice on any forums, in fact not just on forums only, but in every walk of life

Prejudice = pre-judging.
Did I advocate racist posts? Have I ever made any racist posts?
People tend to make judgements and form opinions on what they see and experience.
People should be able to discuss their experiences and opinions in, as I said, a sensible and inoffensive way.
Preventing people from airing their views is not going to change their opinions and is more likely to engender ill feeling, which I think none of us want.
Everytime life is created it's a work of God. If you think that's wrong - then tell me how life is created.

Argument from incredulity

As an example, creationists incessantly use some difficult-to-explain facet of biology as "proof" of a creator. The problem is that, though there is no non-design explanation for how precisely a certain organ could have evolved at the moment, one may be discovered in the future. Contrary to the instincts of many creationists, lack of an explanation does not justify confecting whatever explanation one would prefer. The inexplicable is just that, and does not justify speculation as proof.

Sometimes creationists compute the astronomical odds against a molecule having a certain structure from the simple probability of n atoms arranging themselves so. They gloss over the fact that chemical laws trim most of the extraneous possibilities away. For instance, there are many ways to theoretically arrange hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms in a molecule, but in reality, most of what forms is H2O. Note that the creationist's fundamental error is not his ignorance of this fact, but his assumption that there is nothing more to know.
The more science learns - the closer they get to God. The two are inseparable. ;)
Problems starts when one race feels superior and insults another, that is the prime cause of the hatred in the world today


The Problem begins, when members of one 'side' take the decision to swop 'sides' and stir it all up. It's like a kind of f*cked-up morality crusade for some people/groups.

Race, religion, sexuality, it matters not. It's the same for everything.

In other words ......Bloody do-gooders.
The more science learns - the closer they get to God. The two are inseparable. ;)

Joe, you're not a babble (bible) basher... stop winding people up... you believe in science, but keep (foolishly) calling it god!
Science is about HOW the universe works.

God is about WHY the universe is here.

Simples. :p
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