Science cannot create anything, from nothing. Prove it otherwise. only then I could say God is not required as science can prove beyond a doubt that they can create matter from nothing.
GOD =1 Science = 0
The plain fact, staring you in the face (should you look hard enough) is that we just don't know if the universe was "created " from nothing. Even you can't state this as fact. (you yourself state it as a "belief" (rather different from fact)
According to the laws of physics, energy can neither be destroyed nor created. It's therefore logical and reasonable to surmise that this energy has always (and ever has) been there. Neither of us can go back in time to see where this energy actually came from. If the "big Bang" happened, then who can say (for definite) that it was caused by something called "God" ? .
This thread is rather pointless really, because neither side (the religiously devout, nor the atheists) can prove nor disprove each others theories.
Therefore I'd conclude,,,,,
GOD = 0 Science = 0 It's a no score draw.
I think you may have got mixed up somewhere, at no time did I quote that I believe that Universe was created from Nothing, I strongly believe that absolutely Nothing could be created from Nothing, (no free lunch)
I sure do believe that Universe was created from abundant amount of energy, that is the attribute of God himself,
but if you omit God for a moment, as many people feel very uncomfortable, let us just stick with Energy, this we know cannot be created nor destroyed, therefore it must mean that Energy was always present and did not need to be created by anyone.
Now to me this is quite easily comprehensible, one just have to accept that some things just were, they did not need to be created as the logic state of this thing is ONE, (1) as opposed to Zero, or (0) as in computer logic, 1 means true, and 0 means false.
So in other words, Nothing does not Exists, Nothing has never existed, so if you drink a glass of beer, the glass becomes empty but the beer does not vanish, as the beer is in your guts, eventually it may breakdown into other useful states including waste product, but that beer is still in existence but in different chemical composition, some still in your body/blood stream, and some you discharged as urine and is now in a drain heading for sewage plant and ultimately it may end up in sea.
So Nothing does not exist, we may die, our body decomposes and gets converted to other states, and still lives on, and some of it is converted into heat energy as it decomposes, supporting other life forms, so Nothing does not exist, never has.
Only because nothing does not exist that the universe was able to be created, through whatever process, or as a product of something else transforming elsewhere, that created the Universe, but behind everything Energy is a critical component for its existence.
Nothing only exists for an empty glass of beer, i.e it is a false state where when beer is drunk from a glass, it then becomes empty as far as the beer is concerned, but a glass can never be empty, since as soon as beer is drunk out if it, air enters its space, and if you remove all air from the glass, by a powerful vacuum pump, the glass is now empty only as far as the air is concerned, but it is been replaced by vacuum, meaning no air at all but just empty space, empty space has things in it that we cannot see,
can you see gravity, nope, but this gravity fills the empty glass space, imagine atoms all around the outside of the glass , these atoms are attracted to each other all around the glass using the shortest path, so these lines of attraction which are invisible are criss crossing the empty glass, so that the empty space inside the glass is now filled with gravity lines of attraction, as well as magnetic lines of force from the earth's magnetic field.
So my friend, Nothing has never existed, things were always there, and always will be in one form or another, even if the beer finally breaks down into million other substances, it still exists in its many forms.
Energy is responsible for this conversion, it is energy that decides what is to be, it has laid rules if such and such a substance collide, or come into contact then the results will be such and such, so in the end everything remains undestroyed but in various forms,
Nothing does not exist, it never has, if it existed or if it was the truth, then nothing would have been in existence, but fortunately the true state is opposite of Nothing, i.e. logic 1, hence why we are here, and why universe is here. This is the shear power of logic that can resolve things.
So what this means is everything that is in existence today shall remain in existence in one form or another forever. I may not exist when i die, as but I will still exist as something else in future, that will be beyond my control, what becomes of me, even I can't fathom, this will be down to Energy what becomes of me.
Latest score : Energy = 1 Nothing = 0