Anyone here watch Trumps closing RNC speech?

16 Sep 2006
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United Kingdom
I watched the whole thing. Have never been a Trump fan, far from it, however I found myself agreeing with more of his speech than I thought I would.
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I watched the whole thing. Have never been a Trump fan, far from it, however I found myself agreeing with more of his speech than I thought I would.
you'll have to wear one of these to fit in with the cu*t

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Fact Checking Donald Trump finds the usual blatant lies and outright bullsh!t. Like one of F.Boy's posts in defence of Israel he can't help himself.
More egregious was the call for 'Unity', in a speech obviously prepared for him by one of the everpresent Evangelical advisors he went on to call for a "return to a nation under one God", in direct contravention of a constitutional right to Freedom of Religion. Read the to-do list in Project 2025 and you'll see just why these people have to be stopped.
He managed (as a newly converted Christian and unity candidate) to stay on message for 20 mins. Then the teleprompter failed; or he did. Then it was palpable lies:

Crime is way up
I made peace in the world
The election was stolen
Hannibal Lecter (is seemingly a good guy and friend; and real)
Immigrants are killing people
Children being murdered post-partem

He just can't help himself.
He managed (as a newly converted Christian and unity candidate) to stay on message for 20 mins. Then the teleprompter failed; or he did. Then it was palpable lies:

Crime is way up
I made peace in the world
The election was stolen
Hannibal Lecter (is seemingly a good guy and friend; and real)
Immigrants are killing people
Children being murdered post-partem

He just can't help himself.
Is it something his Mother said to him? :giggle:
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