Anyone ride their bike to work?

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I cycle to work most days, come across a lot of knobs that don't seem to get that the cyclist has as much right to be on the road as them, especially at give ways and right of ways.
I try to keep to cycle routes and lanes but this can not always be done.
What I hate most is at traffic lights, when the cyclist is going straight ahead and some idiot thinks they have the right to go left without any consideration to the person on the bike.
But I guess most of these drivers are knobs anyway, regardless of what or who else is using the road.
Bloody cyclists. :LOL:

Some of them are far more irresponsible and selfish than the motorists they complain about.

Their latest weapon is wearing a miniature camera attached to helmets or handlebars, to capture bad driving.

I'm tempted to fit a camera, to show some of the diabolical behaviour by some of these cyclists on a daily basis. :rolleyes:

Bang 'em with some sort of road tax duty, with immediate effect.
And THATS just for starters. :D
When I was working I used to cycle regularly to & from work.
I had the luxury of a choice of a decent designated cycle route or the canal towpath right into the city centre. (needed some decent lights in the winter :eek: )

I tried to persaude the organisation to provide changing rooms and showers in all 'organisation' owned premises, sadly with little result.
Perhaps the government ought to legislate to provide cyclists with improved facilities, thereby encouraging the use of cycles.
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If cyclists have as much right to be on the road as motorists, then why is there no legislation in place to ensure they have appropriate INSURANCE, let alone road tax.

Lets be honest here, If people wish to perch themselves on a few bits of metal tube and a couple of skinny wheels, in rush hour traffic, good on 'em, fill yer boots. :LOL: But just don't complain when the inevitable happens.
Some motorists have a terrible attitude towards cyclists, but lets not forget far too many cyclists totally ignore the rules of the road.

Its six of one and half a dozen of the other on average.

To be honest, I used to cycle to work 10 miles there and 10 miles back, but I loathe cyclists. They take up as much room on the road as a motorist, use pavements in our city centre (with no regard for pedestrians. When motorists are waiting at traffic lights, with a left hand indicator flashing away, cyclists seen to think it's fine to come up the inside of the car and go straight on when the lights change. Ohh that's when they actually bother to wait for the lights to change.
They ride about at night time with no lights on (usually wearing dark clothing). They pull, out to the middle of the road to turn right, no hand signals, no look back, nothing. They seem to think us motorists are bloody mind readers. Cyclists weave in and out of traffic in lanes.
It's high time the government started charging some form of road tax on cyclists and made them take a test before they can ride on the roads. As another poster has pointed out, they should have compulsory insurance too. Now I'm not saying that all cyclists are like this, but it does seem that a majority act like total idiots, with complete disregard for other road users .
Your right JJ, but it is wrong to tarnish all cyclists with the same brush. I notice some of them are very good role models. It is also the same with motorists.

However, I would never though criticise a cyclist for not tucking into the kerb, they see a lot of perils that motorists do not have to enjure, like grids that could trap a wheel, pot holes at the kerbside - if they have to swerve to avoid them, you can bet a motorist would not expect them to, hence taking a position a yard or so out, they can take safer evasive action. Lets not forget motorists have four wheels, cyclists and motorcyclists only have two - if one of them goes down a pot hole etc, the chances are they will be on the deck. Motorists still have 3 other wheels they can rely on in similar circumstances.

(That is my view having also done a bit of cycling).

I was careful not to tarnish all cyclists with the same brush. Quite a few motorcyclists are just as bad. There's even one of the adverts on TV asking motorists to think once, think twice, think bike, where a motorist in the advert is clearly turning right, and as he turns, the motorcyclist behind hits his offside, flies over the bonnet and lands on the road. Yet the message of the advert is for motorists to be aware of bikers. WTF, They should scrap that advert. What was the motorcyclist doing overtaking a vehicle with a right hand signal on anyway?

Anyway, back to the link by the OP. Cyclists wearing cameras to highlight bad drivers?? Why not allow motorists to have a camera in their vehicle (like they do in the US) to highlight poor cyclists?. Only problem I see with it is the total anonymity of cyclists. No registration number etc to note down.
I was careful not to tarnish all cyclists with the same brush. Quite a few motorcyclists are just as bad. There's even one of the adverts on TV asking motorists to think once, think twice, think bike, where a motorist in the advert is clearly turning right, and as he turns, the motorcyclist behind hits his offside, flies over the bonnet and lands on the road. Yet the message of the advert is for motorists to be aware of bikers. WTF, They should scrap that advert. What was the motorcyclist doing overtaking a vehicle with a right hand signal on anyway?

Anyway, back to the link by the OP. Cyclists wearing cameras to highlight bad drivers?? Why not allow motorists to have a camera in their vehicle (like they do in the US) to highlight poor cyclists?. Only problem I see with it is the total anonymity of cyclists. No registration number etc to note down.

That motorcyling advert is terrible, it makes me quiver every time I see it.

I totally agree about the cameras, and must say that the chap in the clip, despite having a camera, does not portray all that is god about cyclists, particularly when shouting at the van driver - I think he went over the top actually, and his actions possibly encouraged the drivers reaction.

You can't tarnish all cyclist with the same brush, nor can you tarnish pedestrians, motor vehicle drivers, motor cyclist or dog walkers with that very same brush.
At the end of the day some people are just ignorant, idiotic, foolhardy or plain dangerous.
I treat all road users same, keep a keen eye out for them, they could kill you by their actions.
Now you see him
now you don't
now you see him
now you don't.
Now you see him, wobbling in front of you, slowing everyone down when theres a perfectly good bike path RIGHT F**KING THERE! ,Giving you the finger when you dont leave a mile of f**king room as you overtake him and he doesnt pay to use the f**king road like we do!
As a cyclist and motorist I see both sides of the coin.
So I ride/drive with the maxim that you expect everyone else to do something idiotic and be prepared if they do.
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