Hi AFH and welcome to the forum. And what a baptism of fire, eh?!
Sorry to hear of your situation and, yes, away from the comfort of an established practice, you will be ploughing your furrough alongside plan drawers, architect's techs, building surveyors, moonlighting BCOs and builders who think they can draw as well as build and often can't manage either.
You won't often find SEs (other than unqualified office sprogs) doing this kind of work, as, tbph, it's too much effort. Horses for courses and all that.
I just have to refer to FMT. Matey, you always strike me as eminently sensible in the advice you give in here - but no PII? Are you out of your fu<king mind???! And you were a bit quick to jump down AFH's throat there, I have to say...interestingly I would aim the same at Woodster and, more unusually for being so forthright, Nosey. Is this bait an architect day or something?
Clients down at the extension level don't understand the difference between the grades of architectural scribblers - and wait until you tell one that you need a structural engineer!
Get a hooky copy of AutoCAD, £500k worth of PII and an A3 printer. The easy fees from the commercial environment aren't there, for sure, but tapping up old clients leading to a few recommendations should soon see you up and running. Draw up a simple terms of appointment form too: don't go doing verbals, otherwise someone somewhere will tuck you up like a kipper before you can shout Reeba.