Are my heaters storage heaters..???

By new I mean we just moved in here. The building is 10 years old.!
10 years is not very old. As has been said, it would seem very odd for an E7 supply/tariff to have been installed (and to persist) unless there were ('originally') storage heaters installed. It would therefore seem fairly likely that there were originally storage heaters, but the previous owner had them changed to panel heaters at some point, but overlooked the desirability to get off the E7 tariff at the time.

Kind Regards, John

Back in 80s/90s local boards used to offer a package which included a change of tariff to E7, lagging jacket & Horstmann timer, just for water heating
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Back in 80s/90s local boards used to offer a package which included a change of tariff to E7, lagging jacket & Horstmann timer, just for water heating
If the E7 tariffs were anything like what they have been in recent times, I can't imagine that would have been in the financial interests of many customers (unless they used electricity for little more than water heating) - since the 'break-even point' is usually to have 30-35% of total electricity consumption at the 'night rate'.

Kind Regards, John
From memory they were a better deal then and tended to be in properties without gas
From memory they were a better deal then and tended to be in properties without gas
Possibly - but, FWIW, my E7 tariff has been much the same for ~30 years.

In a property without gas (but also without storage heaters), it would obviously be even more difficult to make E7 financially worthwhile if the only significant night-time load was water heating, since the 24h total, of which night-time would need to be 30-35%, would include cooking.

Kind Regards, John
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Those heaters were probably installed when the property was built, and the reason is that they are significantly cheaper and much easier to fit than storage heaters.

Developer saves loads of money, and couldn't care less what the running costs are.
Those heaters were probably installed when the property was built, and the reason is that they are significantly cheaper and much easier to fit than storage heaters. Developer saves loads of money, and couldn't care less what the running costs are.
Well, yes, that's certainly possible, but it doesn't explain where/why the E7 setup/tariff came from. I would not have thought that (that recently) suppliers would have 'got away' with putting E7 supplies into new properties if they knew that it was likely to be contrary to the financial interests of occupants, would they?

Kind Regards, John
I asked for an e7 tariff for my new build, and eon didn't fuss so much about the financial implications, but they did ask why I wanted it (to be fair)
I asked for an e7 tariff for my new build, and eon didn't fuss so much about the financial implications, but they did ask why I wanted it (to be fair)
That's rather different from what I was talking about, and is 'fair enough'. If you asked them for E7, then I don't think that puts much a burden on them (moral or otherwise) to point out the financial implications for you.

Kind Regards, John
I think it's broadly the same as what you're talking about. Someone (me, as developer, in my case. The developer, as developer, in the dther case) asked the supplier to supply e7. Electricity companies don't supply power on tariff X to house Y by accident or by some random chance mechanism!
If wonder if those two switches marked "off peak" and "on peak" are not some crude way of enabling the heating to be switched from the E7 only circuit to a normal 24H circuit so that they can be used during peak times if needed?

Could we have a shot of the consumer units, etc?

------Ive attached the shots


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  • IMG_8938.JPG
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If wonder if those two switches marked "off peak" and "on peak" are not some crude way of enabling the heating to be switched from the E7 only circuit to a normal 24H circuit so that they can be used during peak times if needed? Could we have a shot of the consumer units, etc?
------Ive attached the shots
There is no evidence of a separate 'E7 circuit' - I presume that, as with my E7 installation, everything switches over to cheap rate during the night hours.

I can but assume that the "Off Peak" and "On peak" immersions refered to immersion elements at the bottom and top of the cylinder respectively - so that if one 'had to' turn on an immersion during peak times (for a daytime 'boost'), one would use the one that only heated a bit of water, and therefore used less 'expensive electricity'!

Kind Regards, John

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