Storage heater on a plug

Forty eight hours ago -

"... Does your house have a separate economy 7 fuse board to which the storage radiators are connected? If the answer is yes, then if you get a new storage radiator, it will need to be wired on its own, separate circuit to that fuse board. The supply to that fuse board will already have a timer associated with it so you do not need to buy another one!

If your house does not have a separate economy 7 fuse board to which the existing storage radiators are connected then we need a photo of the meter and the fuseboard and the associated cables (the big chunky ones). Then we may be able to give different advice.

Over to you to clarify please."

I have bloody answered! Please read my replies. You're all reading and quoting each other but not mine.
Maybe I should check out another forum...
I have bloody answered! Please read my replies. You're all reading and quoting each other but not mine.
Maybe I should check out another forum...

For the last time:

1 (ONE, I) meter.
2 (TWO, II) consumer boards. One for heaters, one for everything else.
Trying to help, but not enough information

Does the meter have a separate line feed from it to the off peak board with the neutrals combined somewhere, probably in a Henley block.
Is there a separate box somewhere nearby that says something like "Radio Teleswitch"
Is there a sealed timer somewhere associated with the off peak board that has big fat meter cables going in and out of it
Is there……..

oh too many question that can be answered with a couple of pictures


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