Are the fumes from a combi boiler carbon monoxide?

No pressure relief valve visible is nothing to do with corgi. Also they MAY have connected to an existing overflow that discharges elswhere.
Extraction grill is a bit close don't you think?
If I was fitting that boiler I would have gone vertical to avoid a problem for the neighbours but that would have probably cost too much for a developer.
That's exactly it, Parkymike - they are developers saving their pennies. I shall contact them and request they sort it within next 10 days before I contact Corgi.

No pressure relief valve visible is nothing to do with corgi. Also they MAY have connected to an existing overflow that discharges elswhere.

I'm sure they didn't fit any unvented cylinders, so I doubt if there is any other overflow to connect to - kitchen in that part of house is new, and I don't think you're supposed to vent the PRV into wastepipe. I think their discharge pipe went down through floor and meant to come out by front door porch ceiling, but builders boarded & plastered over that now!
Hi, sorry to butt in but is there a need for all condensing boilers to have a prv going outside? My mum has recently had a new boiler installed and only has a pipe for the condensate to go outside.
Hi, sorry to butt in but is there a need for all condensing boilers to have a prv going outside? My mum has recently had a new boiler installed and only has a pipe for the condensate to go outside.

If the system is open vented with a header tank and vent pipe, there's no need for a PRV.
Phew, thanks. Just thought I'd ask as they are coming round next week to make sure everything is fine.
Axel what has unvented cylinder got to do with an existing overflow ??. There was possibly tanks in the loft previously and as said there MAY be a pipe passing boiler position its not unusual.
if a boiler is fully condensing then you will not see any plume

I was observing the boiler the other day when it wast set at 45C flow temperature, there was no plume visible.

The plume only starts to become visible when the flow temp rises to 50C and above, when the boiler is working flat out there is more plume especially at higher flow temps, e.g. when the legionnaires protection kicked in and the flow temperature was in excess of 70C the plume was quite large.
I have a Vaillant ecoTEC plus 937 boiler, when the temperature in the storage tanks falls below a certain level (50C IIRC) the boiler will heat the tanks to 70C to kill of any diseases. When this happens you can hear the boiler literally revving itself up; sounds great lol.
Aven't you got a telly in your house? You never stop watching the feckin boiler.
I find it much more amusing to watch the boiler, what is getting you so agitated?

It's my life and not yours
Axel what has unvented cylinder got to do with an existing overflow ??. There was possibly tanks in the loft previously and as said there MAY be a pipe passing boiler position its not unusual.

If there was an unvented cylinder, then they might have connected the PRV vent to the u/v T&P vent, but I know they will have fitted a cheap Combi of some sort, and that side of the house never had any plumbing of any sort at that level. I recall seeing a 15mm copper pipe descending into front porche ceiling - that was probably the PRV vent, and then the plumber b**ggered off and builders plasered over it!
No pressure relief valve visible is nothing to do with corgi. Also they MAY have connected to an existing overflow that discharges elswhere.

prv outlet has to be outside AND visible.
On a sealed system that is.
Bearing in mind that the flue in itself is AR, and it looks like cutting corners was the game, I suspect that there are more problems.
Property developers :rolleyes:

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