They did ask if they could drill a small hole for a small flue, they indicated it would be further away, and we assumed that we wouldn't notice any fumes or anything as we assumed a proffesional fitter was doing the job. The hole wasn't where we thought it would be and it was a good deal bigger. We only found that out after it had been done. Then the boiler wasn't switched on until a couple of weeks back, a good 6 months since the work was done, as the house was being 'done up'. Now he's in and the boiler went on and you know the rest. So yes, we did say okay, but they didn't explain what it was for, just implied it was a small hole to drill for a small flue. We really didn't think they'd do that to us, they must have known the outcome for us by putting a flue there, as they knew all about the boiler and how it works. I guess you could argue that we should have asked more questions but they made it sound so routine and no big deal that we were being friendly and as it turns out rather naive. The fact still remains though that it shouldn't have been put there. I feel the wool was pulled over our eyes which makes me even more annoyed and much less trusting of them