Are the RWRs obsessed by Nazis?

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
or obsessed with smearing?

The Crowd euphoria reminded me of a Nazi rally it really did ! Just like the nazi crowds swooning at Hitler !
Jeremy corbyn giving the nazi salute to his loyal followers...
my original comment was more on the imagery being like a nazi party rally
Odd looking at the end of the Labour party conference, where they're all holding their right arms up with a clenched fist, and it reminds you of a nazi salute.
It could be argued that Hitler was just a politician trying to make his country great again, and a lot of the things that followed, were done in his name by the SS and the army. Yes he did it by demonising the Jews etc, but oddly enough, you could argue that it's no different from the pattern emerging from the Labour party, where Momentum are taking over from within, and demonising anyone who disagrees with them.
I see a certain amount of irony in the fact that these leftists try and equate their so called "far right" to Nazis when, in fact, the nazis were a socialist movement.
Also according to recent reports it is the Labour Party who allegedly hate the Jews these days, as well as the Palestinians!
So who is today's far right? Is that the anti semetic, therefore racist, Labour Party who hate the Jews just like the Nazis?

The "Times of Israel" however says:
"Despite the heightened tensions between the community and Corbyn’s supporters, the research indicates that levels of anti-Semitism on the left – including among those who identify as “very left-wing” – are no different from the population more generally. Instead, the most anti-Semitic group is to be found on the far-right, where anti-Jewish attitudes are two to four times higher than among Britons as a whole."
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I am not obsessed with Nazi's

Although there may well have been Nazi's in my family ?? I can say with certainty that my mothers 2 older brothers (both deceased)

were in the Hitler youth movement during the war ? other than that I do not know if other family members were actually in the Nazi party ?

Although if I had to hazard a guess I would say some of em must have been ????
or obsessed with smearing?


The "Times of Israel" however says:
"Despite the heightened tensions between the community and Corbyn’s supporters, the research indicates that levels of anti-Semitism on the left – including among those who identify as “very left-wing” – are no different from the population more generally. Instead, the most anti-Semitic group is to be found on the far-right, where anti-Jewish attitudes are two to four times higher than among Britons as a whole."
The Times of Israel are hardly impartial are they.
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Are you saying that they are UK Labour supporters?

Or are you denying that they should have a voice for anti-smitism?
Why are you trying to put words in my mouth,
I said that the Times of Israel are not an impartial source,as such their claims should be disregarded.
In my experience the people who are obsessed with Nazis are not the right wing or the left wing but the multi- culturalist pro immigration loony liberals who shout Nazi at anyone who doesn't subscribe to their crazy views on immigration and the EU.
you're telling us that gasbag, doggit, roger and bodgit are multi-culturalist pro immigration loony liberals.

and that's why they use their lunacy to attack labour and who shout Nazi at anyone who doesn't subscribe to their crazy views

you are mistaken

or lying.

which is it?
you're telling us that gasbag, doggit, roger and bodgit are multi-culturalist pro immigration loony liberals who shout Nazi at anyone who doesn't subscribe to their crazy views.

and that's why they use their lunacy to attack labour

you are mistaken

or lying.

which is it?
Why do you and Noseall try to put words in other people's mouths when you reply to their posts.
I don't regard the above posters as loony liberals, maybe you believe that but then again you probably believed that Hilary Clinton would win the US election and that the EU referendum would be a walkover for the remain camp,Jeremy Corbyn won the last election, Merkel won the German election ect.ect.
You are living in a fools paradise as you are now deluding yourself that Jeremy Corbyn will win the next election.
... the people who are obsessed with Nazis ...
and wrote the assortment of recent posts I quoted above
are gasbag, doggit, roger and bodgit

do you think they didn't?

I didn't put words into your mouth

I quoted what you said.

I agree that what you said is not true.

So what are you moaning about?
Going by the title, it seems Johnnyboy is totally obsessed with Nazi's. (we already know he's obsessed with Fraulein Merkel, who apparently can't win an election without help of another party, but claims victory anyway)
Why do you and Noseall try to put words in other people's mouths .
I'm asking you, in what way is the Times of Israel not impartial? How are they unable to criticise anti Semitism within the Labour party?
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