So if the powers that be can tell us how many from the eu are here claiming benefits tell us how many are from non eu countries such as somalia, nigeria,pakistan etc.
If you're going to discuss immigration then lets put colour back in the frame. How come its all right to be racist about immigration when it concerns whites but god forbid anything should be said about the black and brown spongers on the public tit. Remember the recent photo of two grandmothers in the same street, one the Queen and the other a somalian in a council house with EIGHT children. And it was being put forward as laudable, a real sign of intergration.
Watch any bbc news programme where education is mentioned,look at the colour of the class, often the only white face is the teacher. So who are the ones straining public resources? Do tell.
non eu citizens cannot claim benefits in the eu unless there is historical links from colonial or empire times then very specific term apply usually entitled to a passport off that country
claiming or being granted political asylum is another avenue