Artificial Stupidity

18 Apr 2022
Reaction score
United Kingdom
I was presented with this wonder of AI recently having done a search for MGB reliability:

Generally good

MGB reliability is generally good, and the car is considered to be durable and reliable. The electrical system has been greatly improved, increasing reliability. The MGB system reliability includes internal self-monitoring software linked to service centers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to ensure consistent performance. While there’s no reason why an MGB should be unreliable if it’s looked after and serviced regularly, parts are readily available.

The bit I highlighted made me laugh. So this tool which is going to take over the world can't tell the difference between a 40-year old BL car and this:
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However "unspecific" a search may be, what kind of person wants to receive information on both MGB cars and MGB oil well/fracking plant, and would find each equally useful?
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