ask the trades time for frendship

Damocles said:
The problem as I see it is that ATT is not really willing to share. As far as I can make out DIY are willing for anyone to read their postings. On the other hand ATT insist on keeping the exciting ones to themselves. Of course, that is entirely up to them. But if you do want other people to have a chance of reading your back posts and getting some help from them, then it does mean you might not choose to post on ATT.
The DIY advice fora on ATT are open to all, and I'm not aware of any culling of "interesting" posts - are you referring to the trade-only sections of the site? I've got no idea what goes on there.
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Indeed I am. They gave me a sneak preview. I read a fascinating thread about why lightbulbs might suddenly start failing. After 3 pages of interesting electrical suggestions, the original poster discovered that actually only one light bulb had failed mysteriously. Which was not really mysterious at all.

Quite why this could not have appeared in the DIY section, I have no idea. This just happened to be one thread I picked at random to read. It struck me that in general when a 'trade' member had a problem they would most likely post it on the trade board. All things being equal, if it is a problem which an electrician is having, then it is likely to be a more unusual one. Like lots of lightbulbs mysteriously failing because of mis-reporting.

The only conclusion I really drew from this was that the posts on public display were most liklely to be less entertaining than those on the other boards.

Did you see the forum they set up specially for you and me to chat to each other? (Before they erased it)

Hi Big all, As I also posted elsewhere 'Damocles will be Damocles, That's why we have him.' Which is, or at least was, one of the reasons for Damocles. Damocles is supposed to be challenging. Sometimes I remember this.

I did not see anything to suggest any one was bad-mouthing anyone. It just all seemed awfully Part-P-ish to me.

Advertising is often described as 'aggressive'. Doesn't mean it hits you with its fists, but just that it's always 'in your face'

Sorry I have been busy of late, had to do some wiring.
helllooo damocles

if you notice [well you wouldnt know this ]90%of my posts are in the open forum i try to make att more interesting with innate dribble that people find ammusing[or not]you can not spend all the time being serious but when required i am [very serious] i do not post things that are of general interest in trade
but sometimes we have an unusual problem where shop talk is boaring or we are perhapps a little bit embarraced at not knowing the answer i am man enough to ask for help when i need it but occasionaly not on such a public forum :oops: :D ;)
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