Astounded OBD Codes

Did you by chance let them know that you have legal profession family?
That may be the reason for them paying you rather than them being a good dealership. :)
Plus didn't they initially refuse?
Either way I'm glad you had a result .. shame about the stress levels though.
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Not sure what to do with the V5
Did you by chance let them know that you have legal profession family?
That may be the reason for them paying you rather than them being a good dealership. :)
Play your aces.

It may of slipped out ;)
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I think they shot themselves in the foot by just wiping the codes. Should have kept it for test drive/ further investigation. Sometimes a single fault can light up half the dashboard. A loaner while they carried out a proper investigation and repair, an apology and a full tank of fuel could have saved them a load of hassle.
Normally you have to give them a reasonable chance to sort out before rejecting.
I think they shot themselves in the foot by just wiping the codes. Should have kept it for test drive/ further investigation. Sometimes a single fault can light up half the dashboard. A loaner while they carried out a proper investigation and repair, an apology and a full tank of fuel could have saved them a load of hassle.
Normally you have to give them a reasonable chance to sort out before rejecting.

I don't know if it's fishy or not, the dealer is AA Acredited, they have 100's of reviews over 8 years of trading under the same name. I checked their history on Companies House, nothing suspect.

It could be a case of protecting their reputation, I dealt with the Son, he didn't understand consumer law and mildly threatened me when I quoted it to him.

That and deleting codes in front of me and playing innocent I wonder if his Father "the owner" decided rather than face legal action and lose, it would be easier to refund, the odds were stacked against them thanks to his inexperienced son.
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