Russian stooge, yes. Tories love a rouble or two.Johnson a Putin stooge
Russian stooge, yes. Tories love a rouble or two.Johnson a Putin stooge
It saddens me that some are incapable of debate, they're like little children, if you say something which doesn't agree with their agenda they throw a wobbly,
my son who has a master's degree, very intelligent, he knows nothing!
Russian stooge, yes. Tories love a rouble or two.
Conspiracy theory? The greedy Tories make no secret of grasping Russian cash, trans.conspiracy theory
Conspiracy theory? The greedy Tories make no secret of grasping Russian cash, trans.
They've been benefitting fo
When I enlisted I believed that NATO was the defender against an aggressor, many veterans now realise that the only thing NATO was defending was the FIAT currency, ask Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein, there were no WMD, everything we heard was the BS and propaganda from the MSM.Russia hasn't exactly been that overwhelming in Ukraine.
They are not as scary now they've been seen in action, as they were before. Let's hope we don't get ww3. But if it does happen, I'd choose the nato side. I'm guessing you wouldn't
Russia has nukes, but other than that they'd get taken apart by NATO forces.
You're not thinking this through, if NATO attacks Russia what do you think China will do?Russia has nukes, but other than that they'd get taken apart by NATO forces.
It's more, what if Russia attacks natoYou're not thinking this through, if NATO attacks Russia what do you think China will do?
Here we go againWhen I enlisted I believed that NATO was the defender against an aggressor, many veterans now realise that the only thing NATO was defending was the FIAT currency, ask Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein, there were no WMD, everything we heard was the BS and propaganda from the MSM.
I see Putin fighting for our freedom.
He was removed from the SWIFT payment system and went BRICS gold and commodities backed, India is now the biggest importer of crude from Russia, they refine it and sell it to the EU for an extortionate price.
Going gold is also destroying the FIAT currencies which have enslaved us with debt.
In the mid 70s the Green party was getting very vocal in Germany, they now have seats in the Bundestag where they are pushing their Global Warming/Cooling, Climate Change, HOAX, Putin has destroyed them with Germany resorting to the coal fired power stations they had mothballed.
Putin has also driven a wedge into the member states of the NWO headquarters based in Brussels with southern and eastern states arguing with France, Holland and Germany.
China can't allow Russia to fall under American/EU control.You're not thinking this through, if NATO attacks Russia what do you think China will do?
America/EU have no plans to invade Russia. Don't worry on that front...China can't allow Russia to fall under American/EU control.
Well done you!China can't allow Russia to fall under American/EU control.
China shares a 4000 km border with Russia, if it comes to an existential fight for survival for China, they will use their massive industrial resources to produce weapons instead of bicycles and cheap tat for export.
Russia unlike Nazi Germany has the space, natural resources and if partnered with a country like China, will have the capacity to fight a long war of attrition that will destroy Europe and wreck the global economy.
The above scenario is one of last resort for Russia and China.
The threat of nuclear war should put the global warming/ cooling climate change HOAX to bed, it will awaken the Brainwashed Sleepers, a decade ago I was happy doing my thing, earning a few quid and making ends meet, I lost my job truckin and concentrated entirely on my building projects.It's more, what if Russia attacks nato
I beg your pardon? Say that again...America/EU have no plans to invade Russia. Don't worry on that front...
I beg your pardon! I think I must have misunderstood what you said ...America/EU have no plans to invade Russia. Don't worry on that front...