"Bail In" v "Bail Out"

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At the moment we are being taken down a one way road to war against Russia, the Russian military was a joke a decade ago, they are now on a par with China, they have hypersonic missiles capable of carrying a nuclear warhead which NATO has no defense against, if we rely on the "Emergency Broadcast" we'll be vapourised before the message gets delivered..

But are unable to successfully invade a smaller neighbour.
You not see NATO as provocateurs holding military exercises on Russias borders.?

Have certain countries bordering Russia applied to join NATO? They could have joined up with Russia instead. So where is the provocation based?
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The schoolboys appear to be on the backfoot so it comes as no surprise we get this ner, ner, ner, ner, ner.
Seems a bit incendiary to me looking at it with my observers hat on.
Ah, you think voluntarily applying to join the EU is the same as being invaded and conquered by a foreign army, having your towns and cities destroyed and your population arrested, deported or flung into mass graves. I see now why you find it hard to grasp reality.
So you don't see the provocation, that's fine no surprise there then. This is what we're up against when we get such jaundiced views.
Wonder why Russia didn't want to become part of the eu
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