Occupy your time and mind with positivity Razz..You will feel a whole bunch happier than trawling the history books for every UK event you can turn into negativity throughout time.Just for you durhamplumber,
1769 - 70 10,000,000
1783 - 84 11,000,000
1791 - 92 11,000,000
1837 - 38 800,000
1860 - 61 2,000,000
1865 - 67 1,000,000
1868 - 70 1,500,000
1876 - 78 ~8,000,000
1896 - 97 ~14,000,000
1899 - 1900 ~7,000,000
1943 - 44 3,000,000
Total ~70,000,000
You can close your eyes, durhamplumber, and pretend it didn't happen, but it did and it doesn't appear much in the history taught in schools.
Don't forget, British were taking their 'taxes' from working Indians to pay for the infrastructure in India. Except when it came to famine, there was no such infrastructure as it had existed prior to British Rule.