Ban the Burkha?

Martian - you know that nickname that I love to call you and which you despise? Starting to sound like it may be appropriate after all!!
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pick up on two points....firstly a question... why is this our country? because you have more than 5 generations here? or because You were born here? or because you can trace your roots back 500years?

and the democracy thing... you really do have to accept the whims of the government you voted in. And Dane, the system isn't designed for you to vote on specific subject matter... oh i've been slated for abstaining from elections all my life.... and almost ridiculed on here for wanting referendums on things like immigration... but no, the mouthy gang on here shout me down and tell i either love it or leave... well it's the same for you guys too. Stand as an MP alongside Nick Griffin if you feel that strongly, and stop this immigration, or just accept that it's happening. We are now mere toys next to India and China, in national terms, they'd crush us within days, and would the yanks help? maybe? but probably not.

Complaining about the burkha is a bit like noticing that the headlight bulb was busted on the bus that was just about to hit you !!
That's not fair - how the heck am I supposed to break that post up into little bitesized pieces to consider? :LOL:
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That's not fair - how the heck am I supposed to break that post up into little bitesized pieces to consider? :LOL:

well you should stop doing it anyway, it just shows you're a smarty pants !!! :rolleyes:
Where's Softus - he was the real king of the line by line destruction of an argument? BAS is good up to a point, but is too insulting to be endearing. But we digress
That's not fair - how the heck am I supposed to break that post up into little bitesized pieces to consider? :LOL:

well you should stop doing it anyway, it just shows you're a smarty pants !!! :rolleyes:
Where's Softus - he was the real king of the line by line destruction of an argument? BAS is good up to a point, but is too insulting to be endearing. But we digress

You're right... you are Softus aren't you?!!!!!??? :LOL:
By which you mean the second person singular
to lazy to type "are"
as opposed to left
why do you feel the need to use excessive punctuation?
you are Softus aren't you
Not relevant to the discussion
There is nothing humorous in what you have written.

(Bring back any memories? :LOL: )
By which you mean the second person singular
to lazy to type "are"
as opposed to left
why do you feel the need to use excessive punctuation?
you are Softus aren't you
Not relevant to the discussion
There is nothing humorous in what you have written.

(Bring back any memories? :LOL: )

yeah !! i'm glad you left !! (or is that right? :confused: )
We're way off topic, but hey ho. I remember the first time I took Softus to task over something - he completely wiped the floor with me :oops: I learnt something important that day.....
. what a complete wan*er he is :LOL: :LOL:
We're way off topic, but hey ho. I remember the first time I took Softus to task over something - he completely wiped the floor with me :oops: I learnt something important that day.....
. what a complete wan*er he is :LOL: :LOL:
And that you must keep taking the medication otherwise you start talking to yourself again!
We're way off topic, but hey ho. I remember the first time I took Softus to task over something - he completely wiped the floor with me :oops: I learnt something important that day.....
. what a complete wan*er he is :LOL: :LOL:

yeah.??? and seeing as you is he??? ;) ;) ;)

but seriously, it bugs me how people hijack posts for inane ramblings, and you made me hijack my own bl00dy post !!!!

getting back on track... i think i agree with nearly all you lot have said, as a nation we were first conditioned out of being racist (since Enoch Powell and Alf Garnett), then it's not PC to mention race... and you almost feel embarrassed if an advert has got only white people in it, yet if a news clip is about a school in south London, all the kids are black.

It's all wrong.

But the point i'm making is on a slightly different level... and Dane (sorry, Softo) you really can't tell someone to take off their gloves to check they're not flipping you the finger, currently... and my post is asking for categorical reasons why you should be able to make them.... i can't see any reason really.
To recap and conclude (think this thread is coming to a natural end now)

It's all about liberty and how the Burka represents the complete antithesis of the democracy which this country fought/evolved long and hard for. By allowing such an extreme application of an anathematic religious and cultural stance to take hold is a threat to those things that make us what we are. Therefore, paradoxically, we have to "force" liberty upon those that do not want it.
To recap and conclude (think this thread is coming to a natural end now)

It's all about liberty and how the Burka represents the complete antithesis of the democracy which this country fought/evolved long and hard for. By allowing such an extreme application of an anathematic religious and cultural stance to take hold is a threat to those things that make us what we are. Therefore, paradoxically, we have to "force" liberty upon those that do not want it.

coming to an end? it's a thread about muslims ffs.... :LOL: :LOL:

but to be fair, you make a good point..although i've no idea what "anathematic" means.. but seriously, i begin to see your argument now. Although it's like you're defending our shores against the unassailable foe... defending our shores is always a good idea, but how much damage do you want receive in pursuit of an unwinnable war?
"anathematic" means this

As for being unwinnable - sometimes you gotta go down fighting.
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