As I've said before, I've lived in poor Asian areas, and poor white areas, and the former are safer, and pleasanter. In the latter you might get sworn at by children, or beaten up by aggressive adults.
Regarding the police not acting, I was told by someone who knew a copper in Luton that the police preferred to ignore minor misdemeanours in Asian areas to avoid hassle i.e. being called racist. The problem is that there is racism, so when someone is pulled up for wrong, they tend to blame racism, it's obvious really, human nature. And I was told by an ex copper that he reported a colleague who called someone something like black b@stard. I suspect most of us, coppers and all, actually don't like racism, and just want to get on. But in my experience the police are sod all use apart from attending serious crimes, and stopping society collapsing as we saw in riots not so long ago, when they failed to act.