BBC. Is Britain Racist?

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All this talk about racism isn't really a question of colour.
The real problem is radical Islam and the insidious reach of Saudi Arabia into our everyday life in the UK.
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It would be simpler if Islam was a race, preferably a colour other than white, after all it was Einstien who called racism, “a disease of white people'.
Let's face it people of all races tend to fear the outsiders.
The overriding fear of many in Europe and beyond is the invasion by sheer weight of numbers of a hostile and intolerant form of religion that if left unchallenged is going to bring untold misery to all infidels
It would be simpler if Islam was a race,
Yes, it would make it a lot easier for you to introduce your RWR views into threads that are nowt to do with Islam and achieve that needy slap on the back from your RWR chums, you all so much crave.

Rousing speech by the way.
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It would be simpler if Islam was a race, preferably a colour other than white, after all it was Einstien who called racism, “a disease of white people'.
So we could presumably therefore cull them without any fear of being ostracized by our fellow human beings? As for Einstein, his is just an opinion like anyone else's. In this case, IMHO he is 100% absolutely and fundamentally wrong.

Let's face it people of all races tend to fear the outsiders.
The overriding fear of many in Europe and beyond is the invasion by sheer weight of numbers of a hostile and intolerant form of religion that if left unchallenged is going to bring untold misery to all infidels
There is only one race...the human race, of which we are all members. As I keep trying to point out, the situation is that of tribalism and the differences between the characteristics of these tribes.
I see that one of my posts has been removed from a page or so ago. Such a shame as the point was valid. Naturally I apologise for the use of somewhat "harsh" tribal characterstic differences.
To what do you refer when you write 'RWR chums'? I tried a quick Google but to no avail and fared no better on facebook where the most likely candidate seems to be a lifesavers organisation.
It's a brave man to say Einstein was 100% wrong, apart from his scientific theories he was a committed anti-racist and anti-war campaigner.
RWR was invented by noseall (I think....or was it Plato? Mmm) anyway, to him it means Right Wing Racists. However, nosehair has just said that Islam is not a race, so how can opposing it be racist?

Surely it's a prolonged fallacy.
All this talk about racism isn't really a question of colour.
The real problem is radical Islam and the insidious reach of Saudi Arabia into our everyday life in the UK.

Racism in its simple form, a hatred of someone because they are of a different 'race' - which usually amounts to colour - has largely disappeared in this country, I don't think most Brits condone such racism. However, there are issues with various people coming into the country, bringing in a different culture. It might be that they are very poor and uneducated, or have widely differing political views. I happen to think that most immigrants are not a threat although I think less immigrants should be allowed in, the numbers are excessive. There is a problem with extremism, such as nutty fruit cake imams who were allowed to preach hate, thanks to nutty fruit cake trendy leftie pinkoes, who labelled anyone who raised concerns a racist. Extreme Islam is a threat, but most UK Muslims do not support it, as far as I know. I can't say I am keen on the more extreme (but non violent) Muslims, but then again I am not keen on many born again Christians, Moonies, fundamentalist Christians, the more extreme orthodox Jews, and other hard code religionistas.

Yes, the real problem is radical Islam, and some vile regimes such as Saudi Arabia and Iran who foment terrorism, and political instability. And we just unfroze Iranian assets. Eh?
I now understand the bbc to mean the black broadcasting corporation. If you take the percentage of the ethnic population, at least the official figures, and relate that to the numbers of black and asian presenters its plain to see that they are vastly over represented. This I believe is a policy by those luvvies running the bbc to 'normalise' the sight of people of colour to the white population. So some make weight jobs are tossed to them, they wont ever get to be director general mind because that kind of employment is reserved for the luvvies and their kin, its so hard to manage on less than 300k, and sod the rest of you if you don't like it. The nadir of this policy was for me an Asian bbc reporter harping on about immigrants by which the bbc means to be white people from eastern Europe. Why is it all right to deride immigrants and immigration when they're white but nothing was done when the brown tidal wave was swamping this country. How many somalians have returned to their country of origin, how many are here, does anyone know.
Racism in its simple form, a hatred of someone because they are of a different 'race' - which usually amounts to colour - has largely disappeared in this country, I don't think most Brits condone such racism.

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Really so why is it necessary to have laws preventing people saying what they think. That's why 'racism' has declined its because people don't want to be prosecuted. We have developed an east german stasi culture where you can think but don't you dare say it, and look the problems gone away.
I now understand the bbc to mean the black broadcasting corporation. If you take the percentage of the ethnic population, at least the official figures, and relate that to the numbers of black and asian presenters its plain to see that they are vastly over represented.

Whether you are right about numbers, I see no issues, as long as selection is based on merit. What worries me is that you get posh white presenters, posh caribbean presenters, posh scottish presenters, one or two welsh presenters who speak RP, posh Anglo Asian presenters (Mishal Hussain is privately educated, for example), but almost no Northern English presenters, no Norfolk or West Country ones either, God forbid. So really they are largely privately educated English, Scottish and Pakistani. Are the Caribbean ones privately educated?
You forgot the multitude (seems to me) of Irish.

Far from encouraging these (few accepted) accents, the BBC and others should return to RP for their staff.

Oh arrr.
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