I now understand the bbc to mean the black broadcasting corporation. If you take the percentage of the ethnic population, at least the official figures, and relate that to the numbers of black and asian presenters its plain to see that they are vastly over represented. This I believe is a policy by those luvvies running the bbc to 'normalise' the sight of people of colour to the white population. So some make weight jobs are tossed to them, they wont ever get to be director general mind because that kind of employment is reserved for the luvvies and their kin, its so hard to manage on less than 300k, and sod the rest of you if you don't like it. The nadir of this policy was for me an Asian bbc reporter harping on about immigrants by which the bbc means to be white people from eastern Europe. Why is it all right to deride immigrants and immigration when they're white but nothing was done when the brown tidal wave was swamping this country. How many somalians have returned to their country of origin, how many are here, does anyone know.