BBC / Lineker

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Noseall limit yourself to what you do best like posting Rees Mogg with a Hitler tash for the junior element on here.
I know getting you to think outside the box is a stretch to far.
She mitigated Stanley Johnson's behaviour of breaking his wife's nose, by explaining that he only did it once.
As I said earlier, mitigation of offending only once can affect the penalty, not the morality of the offence.
Regardless of how many times it happened, borisconi must have a low opinion of his mother...

Or was it his actual mother? One loses track of the borisconi family members as does he!

So what does he want to give his lookalike father a knighthood for?

Services to wife beaters?

Given the 'red wine incident', the apple certainly didn't fall far from the tree!
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Have you ever warned a child that their behaviour is dangerous and could lead to accidents. They have't had an accident yet, but you know from personal experience that their behaviour could cause an accident, so you warn them to take care.

That is what GL did, he learmt from history that the rhetoric used by the government could lead to unintended and undesirable consequences.
He felt obliged to make his concern known publicly.
He has a right, and he might consider it a duty, to voice his concern.
More to it than that though, in amongst the victims are those gaming the system.
Well you could always just settle for saying 2 + 2 = 5. Saves all that thinking and debating ****.
do you post stuff like that and expect somebody to digest it in 2 or 3 minutes

stuff like that, from a heavy right wing site like that, needs to be read, understood, challenged and checked before replying. ideally before posting it too, but I doubt that happened.

I assume you just post it, because it is far right stuff and you will not even try to check it out yourself.

if I get enough time and interest to read it and respond, I will. But it's not a site I would rely on for an accurate balanced factual piece. So don't expect any immediate reply
Read more carefully.
I'm not referring to what he didn't say. I'm referring to what he did say. So are people like ThornBerry.
I've posted his words several times.
The rest of the sentence referred to what the Germans were saying in the 30's.

Why are you ignoring what he did say? Trolling again..
Hmm, a few inaccurate comments in there
I suspect there are others far more capable and experienced than I to offer advice.

I will refrain from making any similar suggestion to you about politics. I would consider it off-topic, insulting, and a desperate diversion of the discussion.
Fol-de-rol from the troll.
I'm going to apply what shall become known as 'Mottie's Law' to you.
Have you ever warned a child that their behaviour is dangerous and could lead to accidents. They have't had an accident yet, but you know from personal experience that their behaviour could cause an accident, so you warn them to take care.

That is what GL did, he learmt from history that the rhetoric used by the government could lead to unintended and undesirable consequences.
He felt obliged to make his concern known publicly.
He has a right, and he might consider it a duty, to voice his concern.

Perhaps you'd like to advise the German government then @gant, that their legal requirement - to teach about the Nazis, and the Holocaust - is "bo**ox"?
By direct reference, Lineker saying the language being used by UK government was similar to that used in 30s Germany, and was in danger of bringing into play the actions which were being carried out at that time.
His tweet was clever and direct and voiced his concern.
There's hyperbole and then there's hyperbole I think your taking it to that.
Is it not best wait to see if Britain withdraws from that European court of human rights first before you start getting your knickers in a twist.
Modern day.....

Oh dear.. the troll feeding the hungry.. Still, if this creates more traffic to diynot everyone is happy.
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