BBC logic

Next we will be seeing drug dealers up in arms and feeling victimised about the horrendous rise in range rover insurance prices
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In, my own case luckily I have only had one claim ever, that's when I was reversing out og our field gateway onto the lane, this lane is very overgrown and strewn with sand, gravel in the summer and mud run off from the fields in the winter, it was summer and I heard another vehicle approaching, before I had time to pull back into the gateway this car skidded on the loose gravel (going way too fast for the conditions) and collided with ny rear, onyl damage that my car sustained wea a smashed light cluster the oyher car had minor dent scratch on front wing. We argued about who was at fault, they said I reversed into them, I told them I was stationary when they hit me, we eventually swapped details and both took pic's of each others damage, I also took pic's of their skid marks in the gravel. We agreed to do our own repairs, I bought a light cludter from the bay for £25.00 and fitted it myself. FFD 6 months my insurance company contacted me about said accident, I tols them the story they kept saying why didnt you claim or inform us to which I replied I was not at fault and for a £25.00 repair not worth it. As it turned out the other driver put a claim in for nearly £3000.00. I sent them the pice of the other car and said they are surely commiting fraud as there was little damage, and they had gone into a stationary vehicle (mine) would I be willing to go to court over it I replied that I certainly would. Week later they got back to me and told me they were going to settle the other claim as they had legal cover and could employ a barrister to fight for them. I said go for a 50/50 Settlement as was sure fraud was involved, no they said we are not fighting your corner, so I have lost full no claims, due to some lying barstewards commiting fraud and a gutless insurance company.
Sometimes the BBC deserve criticism. Reading the Times, though, with its steady drip of nonsensical BBC hating stories, is hilarious. There must be some sort of rota, where every columnist takes turns being forced to think of a ridiculous way to bash the BBC. I think this is the worst yet, from one of their top sports writers. Nobody in the comments below can work out what he is actually complaining about. But it seems that he may be worrying that the BBC commentary team, at the upcoming Olympics, are going to be too supportive of Team GB.

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In, my own case luckily I have only had one claim ever, that's when I was reversing out og our field gateway onto the lane, this lane is very overgrown and strewn with sand, gravel in the summer and mud run off from the fields in the winter, it was summer and I heard another vehicle approaching, before I had time to pull back into the gateway this car skidded on the loose gravel (going way too fast for the conditions) and collided with ny rear, onyl damage that my car sustained wea a smashed light cluster the oyher car had minor dent scratch on front wing. We argued about who was at fault, they said I reversed into them, I told them I was stationary when they hit me, we eventually swapped details and both took pic's of each others damage, I also took pic's of their skid marks in the gravel. We agreed to do our own repairs, I bought a light cludter from the bay for £25.00 and fitted it myself. FFD 6 months my insurance company contacted me about said accident, I tols them the story they kept saying why didnt you claim or inform us to which I replied I was not at fault and for a £25.00 repair not worth it. As it turned out the other driver put a claim in for nearly £3000.00. I sent them the pice of the other car and said they are surely commiting fraud as there was little damage, and they had gone into a stationary vehicle (mine) would I be willing to go to court over it I replied that I certainly would. Week later they got back to me and told me they were going to settle the other claim as they had legal cover and could employ a barrister to fight for them. I said go for a 50/50 Settlement as was sure fraud was involved, no they said we are not fighting your corner, so I have lost full no claims, due to some lying barstewards commiting fraud and a gutless insurance company.

Funny how karma works though, what with the regular punctures, "car park" dings, and the like.....