Benefits fraudsters

Even if there were fitter and healthier applicants?

As I mentioned earlier, new laws have been introduced so that employers can't differentiate between the health of prospective employees.
Madness at it's best. Insanity at it's worst.
Just like these employers who insist in job adverts that ethnic minorities are under represented in our workforce, therefore applications from ethnic minorities are positively welcome (and encouraged).

Coming soon to a jobcentre near you,,,, New job adverts stating that " Obese, Unfit, and Ill people are under represented in our workforce. Therefore applications from these people will be encouraged, to the exclusion of normal fit and healthy people."
;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
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Karma will see you right.

I have suffered from panic attacks for over twenty years, sometimes you don't get for a year or two, and it's NO laughing matter, or shouldn't be taken lightly, someone driving, having a panic attack, COULD put other peoples lives at risk.
Panic attacks about working for a living

I was on the sick for 4 years with it, but the powers that be, decided i wasn't ill enough, and told me off, i still suffer with it, and anxiety.
Anxiety attacks about where your beer money is coming from

Sometimes you have good days, sometimes good months.

A lot of the time it can be hell, but, i am a benifit cheat anyway, so i would say that. :rolleyes:
You said it sponger - get off your lazy backside and get a job, any job - have you no self respect? We, the great British tax payers, have to pay for cretins like you.
EDIT, if your that worried about spongers, write to the government about the overspill of our coloured brethen, making their way from overseas, before spilling the beans, on something that's annoying you. :evil:
But would you hire him?

Joe your just muddying the waters, this guy has not applied for any work, his health is not stopping him getting work, he has openly said he doesn't want to work, he has said he won't apply for work until he is made to..........does this sound like someone who is too ill to work.......NO!, how do i know; well i don't, thats why people like him need to be re assessed, by god he was probably assessed 15 years ago, people DO get better you know but are in a groove that is hard to get out of..........believe me, i was close to this groove.
So you clearly wouldn't hire him yet you expect others to employ him at the expense of fitter and more able employees. The wheels are falling off your rant mate.
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Show me where i said i wouldn't hire him joe!

I've said if he fitted the job in question and that his back to work note said he could do the particular type of work i was advertising for then he would be considered, anything else would be discrimination on my part.

But the fact remains he has not and will not apply for work unless he is forced to, if he was still truely too ill to work he wouldn't panic so much about being caught up with and dragged before an independant doctor for re assesment, so whether i'd emply him is pretty much irrelevent
You wouldn't hire him though - so why should others?
I would hope that if Crank were in a position to offer this chap employment that common sense would prevail,,,, and the fittest bird with the biggest breasts got the job. ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
Against better candidates? You wouldn't employ him.
Personally I think benefit cheats should be tortured then hung.
What a laugh, you live in country run by thieving cheating dishonourable b*******s. You pay tax in to a system that is designed by the rich establishment to ensure the rich stay rich. Where's the hot line for reporting tax dodgers?

And you're whinging about some benefit cheats, you've bought the whole establishmnet story hook line and sinker, how they must chuckle over their brandy and cigars.
Can I just say I don’t understand why some are beating-up on Crank for grassing on that guy when the bottom line is that if the guy is genuine he should be able to tick the relevant boxes to stay in his current situation; no harm, no foul!

If he doesn’t pass the reassessment then that’s another scrounger off our backs and thanks are due to Crank.

If the guy is for real he should have nothing to fear, so what's the problem?
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