Benefits problem everybodys problem

dislexyia strike again
missed a imprortant word
do NOT like their situation

and I blame the fathers for not providing the nessary funds to stop them requiring benfits if they are still able
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"Twenty years ago I was a postman in a deprived area and delivering dhss girochecks to every other here I am delivering all these cheques wondering how is this working whose paying for this and the housing benefit and everything .......single mothers getting all this money it cant go on ! ????"

No wonder posties put the wrong mail through peoples' doors. Tell him to keep his mind on the bloody job!

Back to the original question:

The problem is the welfare bill is getting bigger and bigger where's it going to stop ? how's it going to stop ?

It will stop when the money runs out. It cannot continue like this.

If things continue as they are, and we remain in the EU, I can imagine Britain eventually becoming like Greece. Yes, it will take some time, but that's what I think will happen.

In the meantime, other countries will have beaten us to it and will be receiving financial support from Germany and probably France. If the EU hasn't collapsed by the time we are in such straits, I just wonder whether even Germany will have the wherewithal (or the wish) to bail us out as well.

I don't think we should rely on it.
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britain will never become like greece as we have control off our own finances which means we dont have to operate within the narrow bands off the euro

the greatest part off the welfare bill is pensions
then hard working parents
unemployed is somthing like 8%
so single parents both male and femail will be a fairly small amount
It is galling to see money spent supporting scroungers, when police and defence are being cut back.
The greatest part of the welfare bill is Tax Credits. Employers pay sh*t wages and the taxpayer picks up the tab. Time to make the employer pay a decent wage.

Britain is going bust very quickly. We borrow 10 billion quid every month - that's more than the Olympics every month. It can't go on - but it can't stop either.
the greatest part off the welfare bill is pensions

And a large chunk of the pensions bill is for public-sector workers who can retire at 60 (or less in many cases) and enjoy generous final-salary schemes, unlike the rest of us who have to live on planet Earth.
britain will never become like greece as we have control off our own finances

I didn't realise that anyone was making a real attempt to control the UK's finances. Our borrowing looks like a runaway juggernaught with a foot still pressed down hard on the accelerator.
It is galling to see money spent supporting scroungers, when police and defence are being cut back.

what is your definiton off scrounger??
mine is someone not using the system as designed as in off shore banking and dodgy bonuses as well as people claiming welfare when not entitles to
or someone cash in hand to avoid tax that is due
It is galling to see money spent supporting scroungers, when police and defence are being cut back.

what is your definiton off scrounger??
mine is someone not using the system as designed as in off shore banking and dodgy bonuses as well as people claiming welfare when not entitles to
Yes. I would agree with that.
I would even include the Conservative and Lib-Dem parties when they quickly grabbed that woman's legacy, only to give it back when they said they had 're-read' the terms of the bequest. Pity they didn't read it properly the first time round.
(Sorry, a bit off-topic).
It won't be a safety net when it finally realises the game is up and goes bust too.
It can't go on - but it can't stop either.
If it can't go on, and it can't stop, what's going to happen then?

We go bust and starve. Which is why we'll never leave the EU safety net.
If we go bust and starve, you've stated that it would stop.
But you misunderstood my point, which was that your statement was an impossible one.
Can anything 'not go on, but not stop' as well?
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