Biden takes a dump

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Or opinions that you don’t care for.

I'm sure the mod's are fed up with having to monitor yours and you fellow trolls rubbish posts, on a minute-by-minute basis. I bet they'd wish you'd just grow up.
Wait - are you saying that a democratic system comprising a massive body of voters has a choice between only two candidates, neither of which anyone really wants, whilst speakers of the truth are suppressed and kept out of the system?

That doesn't happen anywhere else, does it?

Yeah I get what you're saying and, for once, don't disagree with your underlying point.

I remember doing a unit on leaders and leadership when studying for my uni course. It was quite interesting in that it covered the traits that people have who are predisposed to become (or try to become) leaders. And many of the traits aren't nice ones, hence why they succeed in becoming leaders. In reality, take any country and the person/team who lead it. Within that country there will be thousands possibly tens of thousands who could do a better job. However those people have never put themselves forward to become leaders and never will.

The same holds true in businesses and organisations. Those who rise to the top are often looked on as being ar5eholes at least to some degree. Again there will be people in that business/organisation who could lead better, however they'd never consider putting themselves forward.

'Murca isn't really a democratic system, not for presidency anyway.

Not when you need approaching a billion dollars of backing, to even throw your hat into the ring.

And you don't get that level of backing without someone wanting something in return.
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