Trump caught with more classified documents.

Biden needs investigating.

Doesn't change anything about Trump.

The whole control system sounds poor
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Bloke talks a lot of sense, and does it with great charisma too.
A lot of people talk sense at times, but leading parliament for a full term at 82? Nah, too old, and I suspect he would agree.
Ken Clarke is 82, and would still make a better Prime Minister than most / all of the current crop, IMHO.

Bloke talks a lot of sense, and does it with great charisma too.

He always struck me as being a decent fellow, and I have never voted tory.
i wonder why it was not announced straight away when they were found oh yeah there was an election coming up . more media manipulation regards the democratic party .

The National Archives notified the FBI in early February 2022 that Trump had classified documents in the boxes returned to them. The National Archives knew that Trump still had more government documents and that it was probable that he had more classified documents.

It took a full 6 months before Mar A Lago was searched (and the search only took place because the FBI had sufficient grounds to believe that Trump was lying about having any further classified documents). The FBI agents wore plan clothing so that the press would not realise that the property was being searched. The public only found out about the search because Donnie decided that he could gain political ground by claiming that he was being set up by the deep state.

It has taken 2 months for the Biden story to break, it took half a year for Trump's. It took 8 months for the DoJ to appoint a special investigator for Trump, 2 months for Biden. Sorry, but can you explain why you believe that Biden has been given preferential treatment?
and Biden doesnt lie or is it early onset dementia so doesnt count, look at his recent ramblings about awarding his uncle the purple heart.
Jesus he cant even get the fact of how his own son died correct , saying he died in Iraq
That's not lying, that's straight-up Alzheimer's.

Trump, Boris gas/gant = liars. (y)
It's actually a boon to the Dem's that Biden had documents. Not only is their defence solid (Biden is a dribbling moron) but it also puts Trump in a far more perilous position. I'd say they scored a good-un here.
I wonder if the states have a freedom of information thing where you can ask a question of government and they have to answer?
I also wonder how many presidents have retained similar documents since they left office too?

Then I wonder why wonder about it because I don't ctually care either way.
As I said these docs in bidens possession

Imo there was no malicious intent in the caper

Trump on the other hand hmmmm his intent would be imho malicious
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