Big brother is watching

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Done, now what?

He is putting his spin on published documents which are nothing new. Any bits you think are worth pointing out?
Nothing new ? Your crazy. Hopefully others with a sane mind will watch it and gain knowledge.
Did you miss the Japanese report ?
1 in 1000. Serious adverse events. ? Moderna 1 in 650
You must be employed by phi ser
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Watch it. Then comment
That bloke and his posts have been exposed for what they are countless times.

And you still watch him (helping his visit numbers) and believe his distorted info without double checking it ?

He has beeen exposed that many times I won't even watch any more of his rubbish. But if you want to, feel free. Back it up with some evidence, not just his say so
The newspapers you refer to denso put their spin on of events, no doubt backed by the government of the day. Their would have been an alternative view at the time but that will get lost in the annals of time.
We're less than 2 years into 'rona vaccinations.

I desperately hope that, given that 'rona resistance is supposed to wane away, the only long-term effect will effect.

Time will eventually tell.
That bloke and his posts have been exposed for what they are countless times.

And you still watch him (helping his visit numbers) and believe his distorted info without double checking it ?

He has beeen exposed that many times I won't even watch any more of his rubbish. But if you want to, feel free. Back it up with some evidence, not just his say so
He makes great effort to stay onside with the authorities otherwise he's history.
All he did was go over a report by Phyzer.
That bloke and his posts have been exposed for what they are countless times.

And you still watch him (helping his visit numbers) and believe his distorted info without double checking it ?

He has beeen exposed that many times I won't even watch any more of his rubbish. But if you want to, feel free. Back it up with some evidence, not just his say so
a Japanese report states 1 in 1000 serious adverse reactions to phi ser and 1 in 650 to Moderna.
Now put your head back in the sand
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