Billionaires prefer countries which are well run. Where they and their families are unlikely to be robbed, murdered or kidnapped. Where their property is unlikely to be seized. Where they are unlikely to be thrown into prison for lack of support to the ruler. Where the police and courts are not commonly corrupt. Where there are well-run airfields and air traffic control. Where the roads are safe. Where armed brigands do not roam. Where the marinas are not raided by pirates. Where there are luxury jewellers, couturiers and restsurants for their wives and mistresses. Where there are well-connected schools for their offspting. Where there are trustworthy bsnks. Where there is good sanitation and health systems so diseases are not rife. This limits the number of suitable boltholes.
Such countries are mostly in the prosperous West. They are countries that have taxation to fund their attractive systems.
Tax-dodgers often threaten to move if their privileges are reduced. They seldom do.
Many such countries see the disadvantages of competing to race to the bottom, and are willing to enter into co-operative alliances making it possible to establish common standards.
Nonsense. Billionaires hop around to the most tax efficient places.