Blood Tests

Emilybronte, agree about the 'over cleanliness' statement but you do need to take all necessary precautions when breaking the skin. Bear in mind that the phlebotomist may have just taken blood from someone who, unknowingly, has a highly contagious condition, (thinking Typhoid Mary here), so a high standard is required in these circumstances.
Regarding the milk formula I disagree. Most people of my generation, mid 50's, were brought up on formula but we were exposed to 'dirty' conditions on a daily basis and so built up an immunity through life. How many people of our age suffer from things like nut/dairy produce allergies? Very few but I think modern generations suffer because they are brought up 'too cleanly', as you point out, so I don't think its the product but the environment they live in. Whilst food in places like MacDonalds/KFC is tasteless processed crap if it is freshly cooked properly there is very little chance of catching anything. Its when food has been left to cool down then re-heated that you are more at risk.
Mc donalds , KFC , Burgerking even with the spotty university servers are have a lot better cleanliness than a hospital .
I used to work for NHS and for a while stayed in my NHS Trusts accommodation block

some nurses used to defecate then used soiled paper in bin or floor rather than flush away the rooms were absolutely disgusting and I complained on more than one occasion to the Chief Exec