Boat illegals up under Labour.

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No I have listed other ways of making a distress call.

You might issue a mayday relay in such a situation, it would likely get downgraded.

It is not for you to decide that a vessel is in destress because your opinion is its unsafe. People are free to do as they please, many stupid people venture on to the water in unsafe situations. I once assisted in the rescue of drunken fisherman who fell off the back of his barely floating boat without a life jacket or appropriate clothing.

Feel free to provide more details on your made up scenario. So far we've gone from dingy, to drowning swimmer, now we are offering assistance without offering assistance. Are you imagining a duty to standby in anticipation that the situation develops? That is not offering assistance and there is no obligation to do so. You could issue a Sécurité giving the coordinates.
You can twist and swerve all day, but I haven't got time to keep up.

Pushing an overloaded dinghy back, or impeding it's progress is not safe action in a dangerous sea

Probably why no government , Tory or labour has suggested it. Reform probably do, but it's easy talk.
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Sir kier is a decent enough bloke (?)

Tis all very well pontificating over this caper when in opposition

Now he has to live up to his “ mission”

So far he has set up some “ task Force “ in

About it really

Fact is he / they have not got a scooby

And his mission will be a failure and as he has said countless times our ( government) feet will be held to the fire or words to the effect

There needs to be deterrent

Best advised he does a deal with the Taliban there short of a few bob

Do a deal with the taliban (Racist abuse removed) they need a few bob

Any one turning up in a boat gets deported there

Blimey that would be some deterrent who in there right mind would want to go there

Yes exactly
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How can they be desperate, they are leaving a perfectly safe country (France), though full of scoundrels?
Your prejudice and hypocritical thoughts precede you...

Think again before you post next time, because you are simply embarrassing yourself!
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