Boat illegals up under Labour.

So, after leaving France where they could apply for asylum, they come here where they can’t. That just makes them illegal immigrants then. Let’s stop calling them asylum seekers from now on.
didn't the last government pass some law, stating something to that end.. was it called the illegal migration act? Did it say something like come here illegally and you will never be granted the right to apply for asylum or remain.

strange that labour felt that was bad law, leading to the illegals being stuck here forever. and denso thinks it was the Tories who didn't think it through :LOL:
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Les Anderson made some good points.

They could fly here for £29, but they still choose to pay £5k in cash to get here illegally.

It can’t be our benefits system, can it ?
They've got a **** load to sort. I'm sure it's on the list somewhere...
Yeah, they have been a bit busy. Stopping WFA, raising NI contributions for employers, lowering the NI starting rate, increasing stamp duty, told the waspies to F off, taxing private schools, increased CGT to name but a few. Doing well, aren’t they?
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