Has this thread progressed?
As i see both recent governments, Tories and Labour, one failed and the subsequent is failing also.
Tories just paid their friends and backhanders to move the issue around.
Labour are just too scared to offend any illegal immigrants as they're regarded as valid future voters to keep them in control.
What is Wammy Lammy doing now? Banning the makers of those flimsy dingies and Outboards. Talk about futile. Thats like going after growlight manufacturers to stop Weed farms in UK houses. I made this comment before, he's not fit for purpose, neither are any of them, they do deals with the leaders way before they're voted in, and given a position in cabinet once or when they have power. Same for Tories this isn't a bias thing, i think ive shown time over on here, i have no pathetic school boy football mentality allegiance, hell i even agreed with JohnD a few days back.
How much a year are we spending on hotel fees hosting these illegal migrants, i know its a horrific amount.
That aside. these immigrants are illegal they are a drain on our resources, they are jumping the queue, they are arriving with zero identity, they are a negative impact to our already over populated and under resourced country, they are economic migrants. Whether this is the result of Bush/Blairs actions or not years back is a separate issue.
We have just had a massive housing project in our area at least 2000 new homes, people are up in arms objecting to this, why? Because the council has not spent anywhere near enough on the infrastructure to cope with additional health care let alone roads and services. Nothing to do with being racist etc, its just the fact our town is struggling already, we are already under resourced, the last thing we need is more people flooding in from other parts of the UK irrespective of creed or colour.
IF you object to the above, you're more than welcome to funnel every boat arrival into your village and fund it yourself have every single one, i have no issue. Just don't ask me to cough up, im already paying for our legal residents here in local towns, and it's still not touching the sides.