boiler repairing course

Of course whether it's worth doing boiler repairs is another matter.

With bitter experience you will learn some boilers are just such awful designs that you are better off personally turning round and walking out. Might not be best for customer but once you touch it you are responsible for the consequences which in a badly designed boiler can be massive. The customer will strraight away blame you for every consequent problem caused by your actions. They won't help you, so not helping them is not as tough as it seems at first.

I don't want to slate any manufacturers publicly but you'll soon learn what not to touch.

My view is that the person who did the customer a great disservice was the guy who fitted it. I have no guilt about refusing to touch it based on my past experience. Don't beat yourself up because some money grabbing combi swap merchant has made a fortune banging in the cheapest thing he could find and charging a fortune as though it was a great boiler and then not answering the phone when it goes wrong.

That said 50% of boilers I go to are the old pilot light era with no reason not to keep them going except when parts become unavailable.

Of the rest only about 10% are complete rubbish which will spring leaks from every conceivable point the moment you stand in the same room with it. Customer will claim boiler was perfect before you touched it except of course for the fact it doesn't work which is why you are there.

I had one once, didn't work, looked at pcb, right in front of my face with customer watching it spontaneously set alight. I said at the very least you need a pcb (boiler was 15 years old) I suggested if it were my boiler I wouldn't buy a pcb for it, I would renew boiler, fan seemed on it's way out and many other expensive parts could give way any moment. She let me go, ramng a mate of mine he went changed pcb and made £100 out of her, came back to me bragging and saying that she thought I was a real cowboy and had set light to her pcb.

i.e. you can do your best for them but they won't apreciate when you are doing what is best for them and will readily blame you for everything.

Of the rest, there are almost always two trips involved because you need at least one part, sometimes it takes three trips.

You can make a lot more money ripping out bathroom suites and puting in new ones, fitting new installations and combi swaps.

However the boiler repair work generates more work. That's the best that can be said for it.

The basic problem is that many of the boilers in people's homes are bearely of merchantable quality.
There are also quite a proportion of time wasters who just need education in filling loop use and don't even have the sense to check if gas supply is turned on.

I used to not charge but now I charge full call out. First £20 every day I work just goes to phone book advertising, I can't afford to run around the country side giving free basic education anyone who can read should fathom for themselves.

Three last week and one so far this week.
Another recent case history. Ideal Elan CF (open flue) was spilling and had no ventilation since the customer had the upvc con men round to change sofit and facia and hence get rid of the necessary boiler ventilation which was through loft and then through facia vents.

All other guys wanted to fit a new boiler. I went on roof put a temporary 18" extension on flue, went back to do spillage test. It passed. I then went to merchants and got correct flue part, fitted it and drilled a hople in the wall, sleeved it with soil pipe and put a gas vent on the outside. This would give far more than the 35cm squared required.

Sadly for me I decided to drill my hole at the back of the dishwasher, there was plenty of room around it, but when I was taking it out/puting it back I managed to tear the new floor.

Now I have saved the customer from a whole new boiler which wouldn't live as long as their Ideal Elan 2, and their wretched dishwasher with rubbish feet has torn their vinyl, but I will have to pay for a new floor including fitting and the whole thing will cost more than the £80 profit I made.

Yes of course I am insured, but we have huge excesses and it costs me £800 despite my huge excess, because I have an employee on it and also do commercial work which stacks it up.

Basically you have to pay for all your claims the insurance is just to cover you in case you burn a house down, even then they won't pay out if you don't carry a fire extinguisher all the time you are soldering!
thanks hp and paul for reply and sharing your experiances
sorry, i am late to reply
i also want to attend baxi course sooner
i also have experianced good customer service from baxi/potterton when they have been called to replace damaged component
Yes well they've had their share of bad boilers but I think they are getting it right now. It goes swings and roundabouts. From what I can find out round here the heatteam are a good bunch, I haven't had to use them myself.
I attended baxi one and two courses and thought they where excellent...Make sure you take notes because the handouts they give you afterwatrds are rubbish
I attended baxi one and two courses and thought they where excellent...Make sure you take notes because the handouts they give you afterwatrds are rubbish

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