Boris Johnson can remake Britain.

None have asked me for a job. Then again I'm not a fruit farmer or the NHS. I've worked for a lot of people of foreign descent like Indians, Polish, Greeks etc. I have quite a few Indian doctors on my client list.
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Do I wait for the bit where you chuckle and say it was only a joke...?

Show us these posts you hallucinated bodd.

OK fair doos . I agree with you on all the good immigration has done to this country.

Would you agree with me that all foreign criminals should be deported. If not what would be acceptable to you. As in the seriousness of the crime...

John won't give a solution or an answer. How about you
Would you agree with me that all foreign criminals should be deported
Depends how much it will cost, how it's coordinated and how it's implemented. The stupid thing is, we only need deport the wrong person and all of a sudden you have HR lawyers suing for £££££. Some things are workable, just as some things are ripe for abuse.

Let's see your proposals boddggdd - like where these people are kept till deported, the process etc. You've obviously given it much thought.(y)

No country wants criminals, foreign or otherwise.
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Oh dear, Bodd and others, It looks like they might be doing what you want: 100 a week.

Your not making sense.

If we were really committed to training our own medics and nurses then why did we cut bursaries to nurses and why are our tuition fees some of the highest in the world?

On top the NHS is then chronically underfunded so they have fewer specialist training positions. We still have one of the lowest ratios of doctors per capita.

So you won't fund the NHS properly who then need to recruit medics from abroad which you then complain about.

I'm making perfect sense...we sort out our own problems first rather than creating problems abroad.
I might add I have much experience of the NHS and a direct insight into the shambles via family members.
Anyway that's it for me...enough indulgence in the madness of General Discussions...back to the CC.
What else can we moan about?

I know. I would like to complain in the strongest terms possible that Series 8 of Homeland isn't on UK television.

I refuse to search the TV schedules; especially Channel 4.
as you know, when we were in the EU, there was provision for people using the "freedom to travel for work" rules for people to be sent home if they were unable to find it after three months, or if they were a burden on the host country. Obviously you've studied this so you will be aware that Union citizens or members of their family may be expelled from the host Member State on grounds of public policy, public security or public health. Also, the directive enables Member States to adopt the necessary measures to refuse, terminate or withdraw any right conferred in the event of abuse of rights or fraud, such as marriages of convenience.

But China and India provide most of our immigrants. I don't know what the rules are for granting them permanent residence.

I don't know what the "defences" are that you mention. Please show me. You seem to think there is a problem but you haven't said what it is.

As you know, a lot of lies are told about foreigners. Former Home Secretary Theresa May once made a speech in which she falsely claimed that a person could not be sent home because he had a cat. In her job she would have had access to the true facts so we must suppose it was a deliberate lie intended to increase support from her credulous audience.

Additional lies were printed by anti-European campainers, pretending that millions of Turks were about to have the right to come to Britain, and that Britain had no right of veto.

It's a waste of keyboard use John. It's a fact that many voted in a protest fashion and on "realities" that have been caused by other factors plus a load of what is essentially gob sh#t that anyone could clear up some even by looking at gov web sites.

In real terms looking at it as being done for good reasons the UK needs to find a place for itself in the modern world. The EU is a relatively stable thing for it to be in that does have it's problems doing what it's overall aim is. That aim is pretty difficult to achieve. It would need a senate eventually and all of the different languages wont help. Nor will variations in living standards but that was showing signs of stabilising - people returning to their original countries as it now has more jobs. That's why countries pay some in and may get some or none back or not pay in at all. The running costs in comparison are rather small.

So really all boils down to brexit intentions. There have been 3~4 ideas on which way the country should go. It could be none of them. Trade deals have various complications and none of them are widely mentioned. So people have to wait and see - that may take a lot longer than people generally seem to think.

;) I know someone who isn't anti eu but voted out as he feels it will be better long term for the kids - time to wake up type approach. I voted remain as didn't fancy that but can see the point. The UK will need to stand on it's own merit now.

Farage - his general idea is to bring down the entire EU, not just get the UK out of it. The money behind this sort of thing has it's interesting aspects. The techniques used should worry everybody. It's likely to be a fact of life as far as politics is concerned for ever now - always jam at the end that never arrives for one reason or another.
But most of the foreign healthcare workers we rely on won't pass the points/wages test.
The goalposts for those workers can always be moved if and when we need to. What foreign workers do you rely on in your country then Ellal?
I'm just wondering that when we get out of this crisis, how many of those who voted for brexit will owe their lives to the EU immigrants/migrants that they wished to not be here?
Dunno but probably nowhere near as many nationals from EU countries that owe their lives to the British army and those that gave their lives in Europe in WW2 but it’s not really relevant is it unless you are trying to score a cheap point.
It's a waste of keyboard use John. It's a fact that many voted in a protest fashion and on "realities" that have been caused by other factors plus a load of what is essentially gob sh#t that anyone could clear up some even by looking at gov web sites.

In real terms looking at it as being done for good reasons the UK needs to find a place for itself in the modern world. The EU is a relatively stable thing for it to be in that does have it's problems doing what it's overall aim is. That aim is pretty difficult to achieve. It would need a senate eventually and all of the different languages wont help. Nor will variations in living standards but that was showing signs of stabilising - people returning to their original countries as it now has more jobs. That's why countries pay some in and may get some or none back or not pay in at all. The running costs in comparison are rather small.

So really all boils down to brexit intentions. There have been 3~4 ideas on which way the country should go. It could be none of them. Trade deals have various complications and none of them are widely mentioned. So people have to wait and see - that may take a lot longer than people generally seem to think.

;) I know someone who isn't anti eu but voted out as he feels it will be better long term for the kids - time to wake up type approach. I voted remain as didn't fancy that but can see the point. The UK will need to stand on it's own merit now.

Farage - his general idea is to bring down the entire EU, not just get the UK out of it. The money behind this sort of thing has it's interesting aspects. The techniques used should worry everybody. It's likely to be a fact of life as far as politics is concerned for ever now - always jam at the end that never arrives for one reason or another.

And we could still be in the EU if it wasn't for Messers...
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Oh dear, Bodd and others, It looks like they might be doing what you want: 100 a week.

View attachment 188770

This has got fck all to do with how many get off the hook :D Do we or don't we have a dwindling police force and civil service v population? I thought so you can't have it both ways.

Do you think we should let all those immigrants queuing at Calais right now being helped by the French to leave them and come to us?

The EU will tank even more soon not even QE will save their Bratwurst, have you seen what's happening to Spain and Italy? I am happy we are out.
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