as you know, when we were in the EU, there was provision for people using the "freedom to travel for work" rules for people to be sent home if they were unable to find it after three months, or if they were a burden on the host country. Obviously you've studied this so you will be aware that Union citizens or members of their family may be expelled from the host Member State on grounds of public policy, public security or public health.
But China and India provide most of our immigrants. I don't know what the rules are for granting them permanent residence.
I don't know what the "defences" are that you mention. Please show me. You seem to think there is a problem but you haven't said what it is.
As you know, a lot of lies are told about foreigners. Former Home Secretary Theresa May once made a speech in which she falsely claimed that a person could not be sent home because he had a cat. In her job she would have had access to the true facts so we must suppose it was a deliberate lie intended to increase support from her credulous audience.
Additional lies were printed by anti-European campainers, pretending that millions of Turks were about to have the right to come to Britain, and that Britain had no right of veto.